CAUSING A WAR: The Civil War and my website!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ABRAHAM LINCOLN said, upon meeting the author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for the first time, at the White House, "So YOU'RE the little lady who caused this great war!!!". The novel, which people enjoyed reading, sold more and more copies, as those who were told about it, bought and read it. It taught people what was really going on, and how evil it was, in states whose economies were based upon slave labor.                                                                                                                                                                                      The CIVIL WAR did more damage to this country than has ever been done by anything else. Enormous amounts of territory were totally destroyed. More combatants died than in all other wars in which such men have fought. They were Americans. The cost in resources, both in money, and in other things upon which any economy depends, for the United States as it was at that time, is unthinkable.                                                                                                                                                                                                                SLAVE OWNERS WERE CRIMINALS, VICTIMIZING OTHERS FOR MONEY. Those criminals, when opposed, attempted to overthrow the United States and its government, trying to make so doing look legal, by claiming any state's right to do it according to the Constitution, and proceeded to seize for their own use, and turn into their own country, under their direct control, nearly half of America's territory and all resources upon it, while keeping slavery in place, and attacked this country with armed forces in order to do so.                                                                                                                                                                                      THIS WEBSITE, its contents including evidence proving what large numbers of criminals occupying this, and a few other areas of this country containing exceptional wealth, are doing, by proving their crimes, and supplying information which only someone here, and experiencing this enormous scheme firsthand, as a long-term victim in good standing, would be aware of, and capable of revealing to others (the criminals aren't going to mail it all to the Chicago Tribune for publication!), does in its own way what "Uncle Tom's Cabin" did years ago: it makes large numbers of people, who knew nothing about this massive clever deception, aware of it, and proves it to any reasonable person, using evidence essential to such proof according to law, in any courtroom in the United States.                                                                                                                                                                                                       BOTH SLAVERY in the Confederacy, and the present victimization in the New York Metropolitan Area of large numbers of innocent people, have been based upon economics. Criminals pursue resources for their own exclusive use. A similar end motivated such infamous criminals as Adolph Hitler and Osama bin Laden, and their followers. See relevant sections.                                                                                                                                      A MORAL PRINCIPLE states that when forced to choose between two evils, you choose the lesser evil over the greater one: you choose the course of action which does the least damage. No doubt a certain number of innocent people will be hurt in this fight against millions of criminals, but a far greater number will continue to be victimized until and unless the felons so doing are stopped! Allow the criminals to obtain more territory, wealth, and political and other forms of power, and you are inviting really serious consequences!                                                                                                                                                                                        AS IT STANDS now, the felons and their crimes remain concealed. These criminals will act openly and defiantly when in a strong enough position to do so!                                                                                                                                                                                                                         HOW TO FIGHT THIS WAR, WHICH MUST BE FOUGHT, AND WILL HAPPEN NOW ANYWAY: inflicting economic damage upon the criminals, can only be done by causing it to occur in areas which they occupy as centers of wealth (they have been stealing it all without anyone else knowing: it is winding up in their hands, more and more, as occupation of territory, and control of resources, is being achieved by the use of criminal methods by increasing numbers of felons, resulting in saturation with those doing this, and outsiders who help them, of areas containing the wealth).                                        Total control of territory having extraordinary wealth, without a military takeover, requires total occupation of that territory by those seizing it, which the felons can only achieve through the absence of those, as much as possible, originally on it. They are victimizing and forcing out everyone whom they don't want here! The original population has been substantially displaced!                                                                                                                                                                  YOU MUST WITHDRAW THE MONEY BEING SUPPLIED BY YOURSELVES, AS TOURISTS, INVESTORS, AND IN ALL OTHER WAYS, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, WITHIN THE LAW, WHICH COMES TO THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND SURROUNDING AREAS FROM YOU, TO ELIMINATE THE CAPABILITY OF THOSE COMMITTING THIS ENORMOUS CRIME TO DO SO. STOPPING THAT MONEY FROM ENTERING THIS AREA FROM OUTSIDE IT, MAKES WHAT PUERTO RICANS AND OTHERS HERE WHO HELP THEM ARE DOING TO ENRICH THEMSELVES AT THE EXPENSE OF THIS COUNTRY, IMPOSSIBLE TO DO.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             YOU CAN RESTORE THE ECONOMY, AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU ARE AFFECTING IN THIS AREA VERY EASILY, AFTER ACHIEVING YOUR GOAL, BY RESTORING THE FLOW OF WEALTH INTO NEW YORK CITY, WHICH YOU CUT OFF, WHEN CHANGES DUE TO HOW YOU FOUGHT, WILL BE IN PLACE BECAUSE OF YOUR ACTIONS, MAKING SUCH A CRIMINAL TAKEOVER IMPOSSIBLE IN THE FUTURE.                                                                                                                                                                                                        WHEN THE UNION HAD OBLITERATED THE CONFEDERACY, AND GENERAL LEE SURRENDERED OFFICIALLY TO GENERAL GRANT, WE FREED THE SLAVES BY LAW, AND BEGAN RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTH. WHEN WE HAD DESTROYED EUROPE, AND HITLER HAD BLOWN HIS BRAINS OUT, WE LEGISLATED THE MARSHALL PLAN, USING RESOURCES TO REBUILD AND RESTORE WHAT WE HAD DESTROYED TO ACHIEVE VICTORY. WHEN JAPAN HAD SURRENDERED, TO GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR, TOTALLY, IN TOKYO HARBOR, EXCEPT THAT THE EMPEROR REMAINED, ENDING WORLD WAR II, WE REBUILT JAPAN IN A MANNER WHICH MAKES IT THE ENVY OF MANY LESS PROSPEROUS COUNTRIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.                                                                                                                                                DO NOT WORRY THAT YOU WILL WIPE OUT NEW YORK CITY, AND THE CRIMINAL AREAS SURROUNDING IT FOREVER, OR DAMAGE ANYTHING ELSE ECONOMICALLY BY ATTACKING YOUR TARGET: ECONOMIC DECLINE LIMITED TO ONE AREA, AUTOMATICALLY CAUSES A REALIGNMENT OF WEALTH TO PARTS OF THE ECONOMY WHICH ARE MORE VIGOROUS. THIS OCCURS BECAUSE CAPITAL INVESTMENT IS MADE SO AS TO OBTAIN MAXIMUM PROFITS, WHICH AUTOMATICALLY REALIGNS WEALTH TO MORE PROSPEROUS AREAS OF THE ECONOMY, WHICH ARE THE ONLY LOCATIONS WHERE SUCH PROFITS CAN BE REALIZED. WHENEVER A PARTICULAR AREA OF INVESTMENT HOLDING WEALTH NO LONGER HAS SUCH WEALTH, INVESTORS GO SOMEWHERE ELSE, WHERE PROFITS CAN BE MADE.                                                                                                                                                                                                               THE MONEY YOU STOP GIVING TO NEW YORK CITY AS TOURISTS, BY NOT SPENDING THERE, WILL CAUSE A REALIGNMENT OF INVESTMENT, BECAUSE YOU WILL SPEND AS MUCH OR MORE AT OTHER MORE DESIRABLE LOCATIONS TO VISIT, FEEDING IT THERE INTO THE LARGER ECONOMIC SYSTEM, AND INVESTORS WILL PURSUE THOSE PROFITS AT THOSE OTHER LOCATIONS.                                                                                                                                                                                                           YOU CANNOT DAMAGE THIS COUNTRY ECONOMICALLY, OR ANYONE IN IT, EXCEPT THESE LOCAL CRIMINALS, BY NOT SPENDING IN WAYS SUCH THAT YOUR MONEY FEEDS NEW YORK CITY, WHICH IS A MAFIA ECONOMIC EMPIRE, RUN BY OPPORTUNISTS WHO PROTECT LARGE NUMBERS OF MURDERERS AND OTHER THUGS, SO THAT ALL OF THESE ROBBER BARONS HAVE A PROSPEROUS CRIMINAL HEAVEN, AND PLENTY OF STOLEN MONEY OBTAINED FROM THOSE ELSEWHERE, WITH WHICH TO ENJOY THEIR "SINFUL PLEASURES". THOSE SICK PLEASURES INCLUDE COOPERATING TOGETHER TO MURDER INNOCENT VICTIMS HAVING CONSCIENCE, WHILE AVOIDING PUNISHMENT BY CONCEALING THE CRIMES FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC EVERYWHERE ELSE. THEY HAVE CALLED KILLING ME THEIR "BLOODSPORT": ISN'T THERE MORE MONEY AVAILABLE FROM WAGERS ON DEADLY FIGHTS BETWEEN ANIMALS? DOG FIGHTS AND THE LIKE ARE PERFECT FOR THESE FELONS, AND BEING CRIMINALS, THEY'LL LOVE THEM EVEN MORE, BECAUSE OF THEIR ILLEGALITY!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           AS FOR NEW YORK CITY, AND SURROUNDING CITIES AND TOWNS BEING A MAFIA ENFORCER'S PARADISE, BUT ONLY A HEAVEN WHERE THOSE WHO CONSTANTLY SIN, AND CONTINUE TO DO SO IN THAT HEAVEN, ARE REWARDED FOR IT, AND CAN BE ALLOWED IN TO ENJOY EVERYTHING THEY EVER WANTED, WHILE CONSTANTLY DOING THINGS CRIMINAL, THIS IS ACTUALLY SO!                                                                                                                                                                                                     WHICH MEANS THAT PEOPLE IN HEAVEN DO FOREVER, WHAT THE POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY ALWAYS DOES ANYWAY! THIS MAKES REDEMPTION, AND RELIGION, OBSOLETE! ALL OF THE PEOPLE WHO COULD POSSIBLY DESERVE HELL (OR PERMANENT ENCASEMENT AT BETHLEHEM STEEL, IN A ROOM RESERVED FOR SCRAP IRON ROUTINELY THROWN INTO BLAST FURNACES), ARE SAVED, AND IN HEAVEN!                                                                                                                                          AND EVERY ONE OF THEM, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, LIVES OR WORKS IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, THE SURROUNDING AREA, MIAMI, OR PUERTO RICO, FINANCING THEIR LIVES, AND THE PLACES WHERE THEY LIVE THEM, WITH MONEY STOLEN FROM THE REST OF US, WHICH INFLICTS DAMAGE UPON ALL OF US. THOSE HARMING US, ARE ABLE TO LIVE WELL BECAUSE OF IT, OBTAINING MONEY, AND OTHER THINGS HAVING VALUE, NEEDED BY THEM TO FINANCE "THE GOOD LIFE", "THE AMERICAN DREAM", BUT ONLY FOR THEMSELVES, AND FOR THOSE HELPING THEM! EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOR THEIR LIVES, IN ANY WAY, IS ALWAYS, IN VARIOUS WAYS, THE RESULT OF THEIR COOPERATING TOGETHER TO STEAL IT ALL FROM THE REST OF US!                                                                                                                                                   See "THE ECONOMICS", "HOW TO SLAY A DRAGON", "PUTTING THEM IN PRISON", and "ECONOMICS FAVORABLE TO CRIMINALS", under "home"; and "POLITICS", and "AN INSANE SOCIETY", under "contact".