Why NASA Expects Twins
The search for life on other planets, is ultimately a search for another planet, or planets, capable of sustaining human life. Life on Earth is "fine-tuned" to conditions on Earth. Other planets capable of sustaining human life, must necessarily have conditions identical, or nearly so, to those on Earth, which requires a similar history of evolution. Their development must also be time-contiguous with that of Earth. Considerations of Relativity Theory, especially those regarding space-time, do not alter this fact. An infinitely expanding Universe,* allows for infinite possibilities, but not necessarily simultaneous, and identical, or nearly identical evolutions on other planets! The argument that the material Universe is composed of the same forms of matter and energy throughout, and undergoes the same processes, has been used to bolster NASA's expectations. The enormous, incalculable odds against other planets being hospitable to Earth's forms of life, must be similar to the odds against the same number being the winning number in the lottery, in 100 successive drawings. Or possibly 1,000. Or perhaps 10,000. Can that happen? Of course! Will that happen? No! The problem making the odds against it happening almost infinite, is that it requires successive, nearly simultaneous, identical occurrences in time. The process of evolution is based upon random chance. An infinitely expanding Universe has forever to evolve, but not in simultaneous, identical, or nearly identical evolutions! Man is totally dependent upon the Global Ecosystem, i.e. Earth's natural environment, of which he is a part.** NASA's expectations and pursuit of life elsewhere, nevertheless provide technological and informational advances impossible without such a quest. LIFE ON EARTH HAS 5 BILLION YEARS before the Sun expands into a "red giant", and envelops the Earth within itself. Perhaps prior to that expansion, Man will have explored the entire Cosmos, in search of another home. BELIEF IN FLYING SAUCERS is based upon the assumption of intelligent life on other planets pursuing a similar quest, before their own suns expand. SELF-PRESERVATION IS THE PRIMARY INSTINCT IN MAN. *see "Eternal Mind using Random Chance", above, under "contact". **see "variation in species", under "contact", and other sections bearing relevance to the interdependency of species and their environments.