INTELLIGENCE - MORALITY - ENLIGHTENMENT: Correlating "non-criminal", and "criminal" mind with I.Q.
I HAVE STATED that both the "non-criminal", and the "criminal" species of mind, occur in "great men", as in all humans. ENLIGHTENMENT involves having "non-criminal" mind of exceptional intellect and ability. Enlightened minds always have moral insight. CRIMINAL MIND doesn't achieve such a state. Adolph Hitler's obsession with killing Jews, and Osama bin Laden's ideology of meriting Heaven through suicide-homicide, both men intent upon world conquest (bin Laden wanted control of the Middle East, which has most of the world's petroleum deposits), demonstrate "criminal" mind as a flawed, warped psyche. THIS IS to be expected, since "non-criminal", or "civilized" mind, is in touch with the nature, and true purpose of Civilization, in ways in which "criminal" mind isn't. NOTE the concept of an attempted criminal takeover, in the religious belief of Lucifer's rebellion against God in Heaven, and the unconscious revelation in the story, of the certainty of the triumph of "non-criminal" mind in all such conflicts (for a takeover of Heaven, substitute attempts by criminally insane "leaders" such as Adolph Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and others, to conquer the Earth, or at least as much of it as possible! Note recent actions taken by Vladimir Putin, Donald J. Trump, and the other felons helping them!). See "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home". See "THE IDENTITY OF FEARLESS LEADER", under "home". THE QUESTION remains as to whether or not the same percentages of "non-criminal", and "criminal" mind, in the human population at any given time, remain constant, or nearly so, throughout I.Q. ranges, variation existing only in the types of crimes committed at different intelligence levels, "white collar crime" being an established category of such variation. A STUDY correlating felony convictions with I.Q.s would answer this question, assuming the availability of data for computer analysis. Higher intelligence being better able to protect itself from criminal prosecution and conviction, would be a factor affecting results. There are other factors involving aspects of "criminal" mind detailed on this website. See "SANITY - HONESTY - WELTANSCHAUUNG", and "ON TERRORISTS AND THERAPISTS", under "home".