CRIMINALS and CHILDREN: at the same stage of mind!
CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR is the behavior of children, who have lived a long time, but never grew into adulthood mentally. They remain at a lower stage of development. Every child knows how to take what he wants if it is within reach, or to work on adults by screaming until he gets what he's after. There are references to Jean Piaget, a renowned psychologist, and his observation of stages in the development of mind in children, as well as more information about the crimes of which I am the victim, in further sections of this website. Stealing from a cookie jar is not different from robbing a bank. It depends upon the age of the culprit. Conscience must be learned. Puerto Ricans in Jersey City are teaching their children to attack me, as part of what it means to be Puerto Rican. I am not exonerating other groups, or individuals, who do bad things. I am placing the blame for what Puerto Ricans and those helping them are doing to me, and to others whom I have observed them attacking, where it belongs. The felons cooperate together to do it. Reliable witnesses and conclusive evidence prove their crimes! CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES exhibit symptoms of immaturity in their thinking and behavior. Conscience, self-control, and respect for law, and the rights of others, are never learned. Other very important aspects of development are absent. Criminal societies are based upon the satisfaction of all urges not expected to result in punishment. Note Puerto Ricans robbing me numerous times, committing other serious crimes, and speaking of not caring as being their "strength" and "freedom". Freedom without responsibility? Theirs are the minds of children! They speak of committing crimes in terms of games: "You played your ace, and he played his ace of trumps!". Did you ever listen to Georges Bizet's "Jeux D'enfants" ("Children's Games")? They support each other emotionally through "socialization", "socialization" being their own term for it, the females giving each other hugs and kisses, while the males engage each other in ritual handshakes and body contact, whenever they aren't all busy cooperating together to plan and commit serious crimes, for which they aren't brought to justice, because they, and other felons helping them, occupy and control this entire area, including jobs in city governments, public prosecutors' offices, district attorneys' offices, etc. Local police in Jersey City at the North District Police Precinct on Central Avenue, have avoided writing police reports for four felonies victimizing myself, and have refused to allow me to file complaints. Other felons do not understand why the police can't arrest innocent people (see "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", under "about"). They speak in a personal manner to victims whom they haven't met, harassing them with insults, and severe and persistent provocation: they force their victims to react so that they may be charged (did you ever watch a kid scream to get what he wants, until his father slaps him? When these kids are slapped, they press charges with the police!). THE CONSTANT AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT and other serious crimes, to which the felons have subjected me for more than 42 years, prove their immaturity. They accept no responsibility for their behavior, and want their victims to be seen as being at fault, rather than themselves. They help each other to avoid arrests and prosecutions. CRIMINALS NEVER GROW UP! When allegedly adults, they suffer from what might be termed "infantile mental paralysis"! Criminals think that everything is here for the taking, without regard for law, conscience, or other people's rights! They think that everything they take rightfully belongs to them, because they "worked so hard to get it!". Criminals' minds are structured to steal, and to commit other crimes in order to do so! Think about what a young child will do in a supermarket, or an ape in the jungle! Or criminals robbing a bank, or ransacking someone's home! THE DISCREPANCY between the facts detailed on this website about "criminal" cultures and their criminal "leaders", and the official version of the alleged ideal nature of democracies, results from the prevalence of "criminal" mind in the world's population at present! See "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about", for details of many illegal efforts by U.S. Government officials and agencies, including the FBI and the Department of Justice, and the other criminals whom they are protecting, aiding and abetting, to murder or confine myself, and to suppress the information on this website, claiming that I have "harmed America"! The details of crimes revealed on this site are seen as doing damage to the economy of the New York Metropolitan Area, New York City often being called the "financial capitol" of the United States! I do not approve of an America where financial considerations outweigh the rights of individual citizens, and promote criminal takeovers! For more information about Donald Trump's intended takeover of America, and other such despotisms, either attempted or successful, see below: See "CAUSING A WAR", under "home". See "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home". See "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about". For additional information concerning the local criminal culture occupying this area, and victimizing myself and others, see the following: See "THE STATISTICS", under "home". See "ANONYMITY IN NUMBERS - THE PROBLEM WITH MAKING ARRESTS", the last item under "home". See "VIOLATING THE FREUDIAN MODEL", and "ABSENT MIND - A PIECE IS MISSING", under "about". See "apes and humans", under "contact".