THE PENULTIMATE CHAMPIONSHIP: Awards ceremony cancelled!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            THE ALBERT EINSTEIN-J. ROBERT OPPENHIEMER-EDWARD TELLER "BEST NUCLEAR WARRIORS" AWARDS BANQUET HAS BEEN CANCELLED, DUE TO THE RECENT VAPORIZATION OF ALL PROSPECTIVE PARTICIPANTS!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Man's survival as a species in nature, depended upon his intelligence giving his animal violence an advantage over that of other species. He had no control over himself or that environment.                 Man's success in Civilization, depends upon his using that same intelligence, to effectively adapt to an environment he himself creates, and into which he introduces factors such as global warming, self-extinction through nuclear warfare, and anti-matter research and development.                His survival is by no means certain.                The problem, which is "built-in", in the case of humans, and which, coupled with his intelligence, has enabled Man's success as a biological species, is what Freud termed the "id", the aggressive animal instincts inherited from the Great Apes, and the presence in Man, since Civilization, of two different species of mind: what I have called "human", "civilized", or "non-criminal" mind, and "ape", "violent", "dysfunctional", or "criminal" mind, both of which oppose each other.                                                                                                                                                                        Which explains warfare, decapitations by axe murderers, the ambush by posse killing Clyde Darrow and Bonnie Parker as they slept, and many other examples containing the unifying element of violent conflict, resulting from Man's inherent animal instincts, and the fundamental opposition of the two species of mind present in Homo sapiens sapiens.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Competition, another form of conflict, is the use of aggression to achieve dominance, which is not only a human trait, but is also seen in the social hierarchies of the Great Apes. The UFC, professional boxing, chess championships, and presidential elections, are human examples, in which the factor of criminality is noticeably absent.