SANITY is based upon the absence of criminal or dysfunctional behavior. CULTURAL RELATIVISM sees values and norms as being relative to particular cultures. DAMAGE TO OTHERS within a culture is forbidden. THE PROBLEM is that damage to those outside a culture may not be forbidden, or worse yet, may be valued and encouraged! THIS APPLIES to any type of group. The psychology of individuals often reflects group identity, values, and norms. The valuing of one's group, and thus of oneself, often results in prejudice and violence against "outsiders". GROUP PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR are also characteristic of insular populations in particular geographical areas or regions.* REAL SANITY means respect for the rights of others, not merely the rights of those of whom you approve. The people victimizing me are doing so deliberately, and are going out of their way to do it. All of it is totally criminal. They have been taught to value such behavior. What their victims see as insane, they see as normal and praiseworthy. They take pride in committing such crimes, and brag to each other of so doing, while avoiding any form of punishment. The pleasure which they obtain from harming their victims, they refer to as their "satisfaction". As I have stated elsewhere, Puerto Ricans are raised without punishment, and despise conscience as placing limitations on their "freedom". Lacking conscience, they also lack important reasoning abilities associated with conscience, especially regarding consequences for their behavior. The failure of their minds to respond to reason, is often seen by those having moral sense, as indicating craziness or insanity. Inherent in the concept of CULTURAL RELATIVISM, is the recognition of differences in the thinking and behavior of members of various groups. A closed culture based upon "criminal" mind, can only exist in isolation, in a larger society based upon "non-criminal" mind: Puerto Ricans attempt to force out, make homeless, confine, or kill (i.e. "bring down"), whites and others having conscience, in areas which the criminals are progressively occupying. These areas are funded with money from white tourists and investors, and other non-criminals. New York City and surrounding cities and towns, including those nearby in New Jersey, are primary examples of this. Criminals pursue wealth, and it is not by chance that they are progressively occupying, and controlling, the wealthiest area in the United States, with the largest population in America! DO NOT FEED THESE CRIMINALS MONEY AS TOURISTS AND INVESTORS! See Freud, Sigmund, "Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego", and Fromm, Eric, "The Sane Society". See also "VIOLATING THE FREUDIAN MODEL", "OBSERVATION OF SPECIES", and "ABSENT MIND - A PIECE IS MISSING", under "about"; and "AN INSANE SOCIETY", "WHAT CRAZINESS IS", and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact". *this principle applies to entire countries, and their allies, as well. The United States, Great Britain, and France, established democracy in West Germany, including West Berlin, after victory in Europe, and the United States did so in Japan, after the Japanese surrendered. This country, and its allies, have likewise established democracy in Iraq. Saddam Hussein, after seizing Kuwait, attempted to wipe out everything there "Kuwaiti", replacing what was destroyed with things "Iraqi". Group psychology applies to national identity. Puerto Ricans are a culture, and have both a racial, and a national consciousness, and most exhibit a criminal psychology. See "apes and humans", under "contact", for tribes of chimpanzees at war. See esp. "CRIMINALS AND CONSCIENCE", under "about". See "ANONYMITY IN NUMBERS - THE PROBLEM WITH MAKING ARRESTS", under "home". See "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last 2 items under "about".