PSYCHIATRY, and related social sciences, are medically-oriented, and define mental illness as clinical disease. Although mental patients victimize others, diagnoses are based upon impairment of the minds of the patients, specific symptoms enabling a diagnosis. CRIMINALS who aren't clinically mentally ill, do not fit such a category: they are considered "sane", because they are unimpaired, even though they prey upon others. A DIFFERENT DEFINITION of mental illness, includes all minds which function by doing damage to innocent victims, since the primary aspect of any disease is that it does damage: MINDS WHICH FUNCTION by victimizing others, show the primary characteristic of disease, even when unimpaired in other ways, which are traditionally used to justify a psychiatric diagnosis. SYMPTOMS OF MENTAL ILLNESS which are characteristic of both mental patients and criminals, include strong, warped motivations, such as excessive or false pride, jealousy, greed, lust, hatred, racism, revenge, and sadism; victimization of others to satisfy mental and other needs; inability to respond to reasoning, including warnings concerning consequences for unacceptable behavior; efforts to justify their thinking and behavior with false reasoning, which is either delusional, deceitful, or both; and inability and unwillingness to change their thinking and behavior. These factors are common to both the clinically mentally ill, and to criminals. "We'll find a WEAKNESS!" -local felons speaking of victimizing myself. "The mental patients seek out VICTIMS!" -Dr. Joseph S. Saleeb, M.D., speaking to myself. IT IS NOT A COINCIDENCE that both criminals and mental patients victimize others: "criminal" mind is sick mind! See esp. "VIOLATING THE FREUDIAN MODEL", and "ABSENT MIND - A PIECE IS MISSING", under "about". THE ELEMENT OF PARANOIA as a factor inherent in many mental disorders, is also present as a component of delusional "criminal world views", which are falsely justified by unrealistic conspiracy theories. IT IS SIGNIFICANT that the first tranquilizer to be developed, Mellaril, was initially tested using prison inmates, to determine if it could control or reduce violence. It did. THOUGHT PATTERNS characteristic of disease, in those having normal brain chemistry, are learned through interaction with abnormal environmental factors, both internal, and external to the self. ALSO NOTE that evolution of different mental species in humans, independent of further biological speciation, different species of mind being common to one biological organism (i.e. Homo sapiens sapiens), implies diseases of mind which are not the result of genetic defect. This explains why "criminal" mind is not impaired in ways characteristic of mental illnesses dependent upon a defective genetic component. See "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact", and information in other relevant sections. I HAVE CATEGORIZED "criminal" mind as a disease: the similarity between the AIDS virus injecting its own dna into healthy immune cells, so as to use the contents to increase its numbers, while destroying the cells, and the criminals victimizing myself in efforts to obtain two homes, and their contents, for their own use, through murder attempts, robberies, and other methods, is not coincidental. Criminals are disease organisms attacking the body of society, so as to propagate themselves at the expense of others. See "THE BIOPSYCHOLOGICAL MODEL", under "about". THE EXAMPLE of bacteria, illustrates that bacteria harmful to humans are SPECIES distinct from species of bacteria which benefit Man. ACIDOPHILUS species can be purchased at pharmacies in capsules to be ingested. These species benefit the human body, without doing damage. NOTE that these are different species of the same family of organisms. "Criminal" mind is a species distinct from "civilized" mind, both species being present in the same type of biological organism: Homo sapiens sapiens (humans). NOTE that both "criminal" minds, and minds regarded as clinically mentally ill, can sometimes respond well by being placed in a normal environment, when the aberrant psychologies are not so fully developed as to be incurably entrenched:* both the German prison system, with a lower rate of recidivism, and present treatment of non-violent mental patients, depend upon placing the subjects in as normal an environment as possible. THE SAME TREATMENT method works with both groups! This is not coincidental! There is a correlation between "criminal" mind and "dysfunctional" mind: both criminal and dysfunctional thinking are illnesses. See "PERFECT CORRELATIONS - NIGHT OUT AGAINST CRIME", under "home". A BASIC PRINCIPLE of The Theory of Evolution, is that successful speciations require appropriate environments in which to occur and flourish. This is true for both biological and mental speciations. I NOTE in "apes and humans", under "contact", that both the dna of individuals, and environments promoting the development of individuals, are the result of a random progression through time. This explains the presence of both "criminal" and "non-criminal" mind in the present world population: the different environments nurturing these two opposed species occur randomly. See "STAGES OF MIND", under "contact", for more information. THE PREVALENCE of environments nurturing "criminal" mind diminishes over time, while the percentage of those favoring the learning of "civilized", or "non-criminal" mind, increases. This occurs because Civilization exerts a "mental selection pressure" favoring the learning of "civilized", or "non-criminal" mind over time. See "STAGES OF MIND", "recapitulation", "morality over time", "future evolution of mind", "variation in species", "God and Man Evolving", "Eternal Mind using Random Chance", and "Advancement as Intrinsic to Evolution", under "contact", to understand the progression and result of these random processes over enormous lengths of time. SPECIES OF MIND require appropriate environments in which to develop. Providing wrong environments, guarantees the development of unwanted species: THE PRESENT PRISON SYSTEM in the United States nurtures the further learning of "criminal" mind by inmates: they leave the system as worse criminals than they were when they entered it! MENTAL HOSPITALS are also known to promote worse illness by providing environments in which "dysfunctional" mind is further learned. BOTH criminals and mental patients need a civilized environment in which to learn what I have termed "civilized" mind, which is "non-criminal", and sane. *fully-developed "criminal" mind is a species distinct from "civilized", or "non-criminal" mind, and as such cannot be reformed. It lacks functional conscience, and self-control, and is thus characteristic of Man's mind in The State of Nature: a primitive state of biochemically-reinforced, unrestrained violence to others. "Criminal" mind, as a fully-developed, fixed species, is insane! Many whites who are raised to have conscience, view the criminality of Puerto Ricans and other such groups as "craziness". They are unaware that Puerto Ricans and others raised without conscience, are convinced of the appropriateness of their criminal behavior. Right and wrong have no place in their psyches. They fail to respond to attempts made by those trying to reason with them. By the standards of any decent society, such criminals are incurably insane! Note the difficulty of curing diagnosed mental patients, and of reforming criminals. Both groups exhibit thinking and behavior characteristic of mental illness. A lower rate of recidivism in the German prison system indicates only partial success: many prisoners remain incurable! See "SANITY - HONESTY - WELTANSCHAUUNG", "ON SANITY AND CIVILIZATION: Why the easy way out fails", "WHY CRIMINALS ARE HUNTER-GATHERERS", and "CRIMINAL MIND AND ANARCHY - ADVOCATING THE STATE OF NATURE", under "home"; and other sections describing "order" as characteristic of Civilization, and "chaos" as typical of The State of Nature. The terms "order" and "chaos" apply equally as well to the respective psychological structures of "non-criminal" and "criminal" minds. See "OBSERVATION OF SPECIES", under "about". See "ABOUT ME", under "home". See "FIGHTING CRIMINAL MIND", under "home". See "ON TERRORISTS AND THERAPISTS", under "home". See the preceding section, "ON THEIR INSANITY", under "home"; and "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", under "about". See "THEIR SATISFACTION AS SADISM", under "home". See "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about". See "CRIMINALS and CHILDREN", "CRIMINALS AND CONSCIENCE", "VIOLATING THE FREUDIAN MODEL", and "ABSENT MIND - A PIECE IS MISSING", under "about". See "DYSFUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR AS A RESULT OF DISABLED OR ABSENT CONSCIENCE", under "about". See "CONQUEST", "AN INSANE SOCIETY", "AUTOPSY AND GRAND LARCENY", "CHEMICALS AND MIND", "WHAT CRAZINESS IS", and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact". See "EFFORTS TO ESTABLISH AND LEGITIMIZE A SOCIETY OF CRIMINAL MIND", under "home". See "ON PADDED CELLS AND PRISON CELLS", under "home".