WHAT CRAZINESS IS: Civilization and Its Discontents
                                                                                                                                                                   THE STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT THE MIND HAS ACHIEVED DETERMINES THE PURPOSE OF THE GUN:                                                                                                                                                                                          Aggressiveness is "built in" to all human beings. It is necessary for the survival of the individual, just as sex is necessary for the survival of the species. But the survival of the fittest in the jungle (i.e. in The State of Nature) means constant violence to others: such violence is unwanted in Civilization, and has always been its primary problem. Religion, law, and psychiatry and the social sciences, all deal with the problem of aggressive, destructive behavior. There have to be rules, or all Hell breaks loose.*                      Sigmund Freud attempted to explain things in a work titled, "Civilization and Its Discontents". He also postulated a model explaining people: the id, ego, and superego. The "id" is the "it", or beastial aggressiveness; the "ego" is the "I", or self, or identity; and the "superego" is the conscience. The self must balance the demands of the beast for gratification, against the prohibitions by the conscience forbidding certain ways of obtaining such gratification. WHAT IS BEING DISCUSSED IS "APE", "BEAST", OR "JUNGLE" MIND, AS OPPOSED TO "HUMAN", OR "CIVILIZED" MIND. AND WE EVOLVED FROM APES! The energy Freud called the "id" is merely aggressive energy: it is evil only when used in the wrong way. The stage of development of the mind determines what the energy is used for, and how it is used. I have already discussed the biochemical reinforcement of any use of this energy in the section titled, "CHEMICALS AND MIND".                                                                                                                                                                                   Male Marine Corps recruits are told, "This is your rifle, this is your gun. Your rifle's for shooting, your gun (penis) is for fun!". Everything has a proper use in society (i.e. Civilization). Animal behavior belonging in the jungle (i.e. in The State of Nature) isn't tolerated. WHY WERE 10,000 OLD WOMEN IN EUROPE BURNT AT STAKES AS WITCHES? WHAT WAS THE "WITCH CRAZE"? WHAT IS A "WITCH HUNT"? IT IS SERIOUS DAMAGE TO INNOCENT VICTIMS BEING GIVEN THE APPEARANCES OF BEING JUSTIFIED, AND THAT ALWAYS INVOLVES MAKING THE VICTIMS LOOK "GUILTY" OR "DESERVING" OF BEING SERIOUSLY HURT OR KILLED. THEY ARE SEEN AS UNDESIRABLES. THERE ARE ATTEMPTS TO USE THE LAW FOR CRIMINAL PURPOSES, GIVING THESE CRIMES THE APPEARANCES OF LEGALITY. THE CRIMINALS DOING THIS TO SOME PERSON OR GROUP WANT TO GET AWAY WITH THEIR CRIMES, SO AS NOT TO BE PUNISHED FOR COMMITTING AND ENJOYING THESE VIOLENT, ANIMAL ACTS. "Our strength is that WE DON'T CARE!". "You'll be the only one hurt, and we'll walk away from it UNTOUCHED!". And these damned Puerto Ricans had me surrounded, and had gained control over local government processes, and won whites and others over with their deliberate lies to obscure what they were actually doing. "We only get along with CERTAIN ONES!" means the ones they can get to help them do it. This area was a nice place in which to live, before all of these apes moved in and turned it into "Jungle Habitat"! And if it thinks and behaves like an ape, it is one, irregardless of the species to which the body belongs. Don't be fooled by appearances.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   *these same systems forbid, or have forbidden in the past, gay sexual behavior, which harms no one, but was unconsciously seen as a threat to the survival of the species, because the activity does not result in births. Religion made gayness the "sin of sins", criminal courts gave 30 year sentences, or, in some countries, imprisonment for life, or even death sentences, and until recently, the World Health Organization listed gay sexuality as a mental illness, despite a worldwide population increase. Religious prohibitions must be understood in terms of the origin and purpose of doctrine: religion is about life on Earth, and the behavior of the faithful while here. It traditionally prohibits acts seen as threatening the well-being and survival of individuals, or of the entire Human Race. Infallible dogma has power over people's behavior. Legal and psychiatric doctrines also serve the same purpose. Disobedience results in Hell, prison, death, or psychiatric wards. Traditional thinking maintained by established institutions has inertia. Behaviors must be re-evaluated in terms of whether or not they are actually doing damage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      See "THEIR SATISFACTION AS SADISM", and "SATISFACTION FROM MURDER", under "home"; and "VALIDATING CONSCIENCE", under "about".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   See "AN INSANE SOCIETY", "AUTOPSY AND GRAND LARCENY", "CHEMICALS AND MIND", and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact".                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     See "ON TERRORISTS AND THERAPISTS", and "TWO DEFINITIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS", under "home".