Advancement as Intrinsic to Evolution
I have said that Evolution is a process intrinsic to mind, including DIVINE MIND. It is, in fact, a process inherent in everything which we call Creation, or, if you prefer, the Universe, taken as a whole over time, regardless of random chance being involved. Advancement is an intrinsic quality inherent in Evolution itself, an aspect of the nature of the total process, which is seen, following the "Big Bang", in the upward movement to increasingly complex particles, to atoms of increasing complexity, to simple, and then to more complex molecules, resulting in the formation of amino acids in Earth's primitive oceans, to living cells advancing in a progression from prokaryotic to eukaryotic species, through further stages in biological and mental speciations, to the continuing evolution of different species of mind in Man. This advancement consists in the achievement of an increasingly complex organization, accomplished through a more and more diverse progression of species.
Note that beginning with the "Big Bang", matter and anti-matter, two simple forms, evolved into the enormously more complex and diverse material, biological, and mental species which presently exist. Also note the paleobotanical progression from simple land vascular plants such as Rhynia species, to much more advanced and diverse forms of speciation seen in gymnosperms and angiosperms. This progression to complexity and diversity is self-evident. Man himself belongs to this process, considering his creation of the enormously complex and diverse components of Civilization existing today, when his original life was limited to taking shelter in caves. That same creativity first appears in his drawings of animals on the walls of those caves, using chalk to produce them. Beginning in prehistoric times, Man's creativity as a part of the evolutionary progression mirrored that of God! ββββThe "upward thrust" of successive stages in material, biological, and mental speciation, is impossible without such advancement being an inherent quality of Evolution, reflecting an inherent quality of the Mind of the Creator! Man cannot determine why this is so. Only ETERNAL MIND, being infinite, and thus omniscient, encompasses all of it! Man's mind prior to Civilization, in The State of Nature, consists merely of "id", and "ego", i.e. animal urges and the self, which is appropriate to survival in The State of Nature, whereas "civilized" mind, as a mental speciation appropriate to survival in Civilization, consists of "id", "ego", and "superego" (conscience). An advance to greater complexity occurs through the imposition of conscience by Civilization. A third component is added to mind, resulting in a species of mind with a structure more advanced than, and different from that which precedes it. This involves a new stage of learning. Civilization nurtures conscience, and exerts a "mental selection pressure", favoring the achievement by Humanity of the "civilized" stage of mind over time. Note the nature of the advance to higher stages of complexity of mental organization, new species of human mind being not only more advanced than, and different from, but also inclusive of, and modifying those which precede them. Also note that just as evolution of matter and energy resulted in amino acids in Earth's primitive oceans, preparing the way for biological life, the evolution of one species of mind for each biological species, prepared the way for mental speciations in the same biological species (i.e. Homo sapiens sapiens: humans). These transitions are consistent with, and characteristic of the overall process of Evolution. The concept of mind as being the result of increasing complexity of organization of matter and energy, especially that occurring in living organisms, is stated in "The Phenomenon of Man", by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The greater the complexity of organization, resulting from the addition of new, previously unseen biological components, the more advanced the nature of the resulting mind. This is true of biological evolution, including that of lower species, but fails to note further evolution of different species of mind in the same biological organism (i.e. Homo sapiens sapiens: humans). Chardin based his ideas upon known advancements of mind through biological speciation, one species of mind for each species of body. What was true of lower species, and of Mankind prior to Civilization, prepared the way for the learning of additional components of mind by humans, conscience being the component characteristic of "non-criminal", "civilized" mind. There is no way, at present, to scientifically determine the occurrence of more complex arrangements of neurons and synapses in the brains of "non-criminal", as opposed to "criminal" minds. Patterns of thought depend upon such arrangements. Increases in biochemical complexity in the human brain, consisting of far more complex patterns of neurological pathways, due to the learning of additional components of mind, are consistent with the evolution of different species of mind in Homo sapiens sapiens, and with the central concepts in the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Increasing physical complexity in the brain of the same species, upon further speciations of mind, occurs not by the addition of physical components, which results from biological speciations, but rather by the formation of more complex arrangements of neurological pathways in existing components. Increased mental complexity is supported by increased biological complexity in this manner. I state in "bio world", under "contact", that everything I know, which has relevance, supports the ideas on this website: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin postulated a "noosphere" ("sphere of mind") supported by a "biosphere" ("sphere of life") surrounding the Earth. Note the worldwide interaction of mind presently enabled by the internet (world wide web). The processes in question are real, actually happening presently, and will continue to occur at an accelerating pace. Also note that Evolution of Mind depends upon environments rich in diverse ideas, through exposure to which individual minds can develop themselves, learning mental components in stages. Advanced species of mind occur in this manner. The Vatican forbid both Galileo Galilei and Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., from further publication of their works during their lifetimes. Galileo was forced to recant his discoveries, and sentenced to house arrest for life! The writings of these men challenged the idea of a "steady-state" Universe, and of an "unchanging" Man as a part of that Creation. See "God and Man Evolving", under "contact", for more information. To the present day, the Catholic Church requires a "Nihil obstat" ("Nothing obstructs"), an "Imprimi potest" ("It can be printed"), and an "Imprimatur" ("Let it be printed"), the "Imprimatur" being issued by a bishop, prior to publication of any work relevant to established beliefs (doctrines of faith or morals). It is not surprising that the ideas of both Galileo Galilei and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin were censored as being contrary to traditional teachings. Restriction of ideas by censorship opposes the advancement of mind: We need not be afraid of considering false ideas. The elimination of wrong ideas, is a process which leads us to those which are correct: As Sigmund Freud said of psychoanalysis, "From error to error, we discover the whole truth!". Ideas which are valid, and important, prove themselves over time. See "DARWIN - FREUD - PIAGET", under "about"; and "variation in species", and "Piaget's Stages and Man's Evolution of Mind as Collective Growth", under "contact". See "bibliography and notes", and "Epilogue", under "contact". See "morality over time", and "INTELLIGENCE AND MATHEMATICS", under "contact". See "bio world", under "contact". See "SECTIONS OF LASTING VALUE", under "home".