SIGMUND FREUD postulated a model for the structure of the mind, which is Western European, but widely accepted today throughout the world. This model describes the mind as consisting of id, ego, and superego, or, in different words, animal urges, the self, and the conscience. Freud understood the people around him, and observed that the self balanced the animal, violent urges of the "id", or "it", with prohibitions against satisfying those urges, in a manner not accepted by society, maintained by the superego, or conscience, which is learned in society! SIGMUND FREUD termed such functioning "the reality principle", to distinguish it from the uncontrolled satisfaction of all urges emanating from the "id", such fulfillment of all desires being termed "the pleasure principle". Freud's use of the term "reality" in "the reality principle", indicates that "criminal" cultures, which are always based upon the unrestrained satisfaction in society of often violent, depraved urges originating from the "id" ("the pleasure principle") are inherently irrational! I maintain on this site that all "criminal world views" are paranoid delusional systems, falsely justified by unrealistic conspiracy theories!* THE SELF must balance the conflicting demands of the "beast" and the conscience, controlling serious, unacceptable ways of behaving by obeying the conscience, while allowing gratification of urges in ways accepted by society. ANY IMBALANCE results in sickness. An overwhelming conscience results in neurosis, while allowing most or all urges gratification, due to a weak, non-functional, or absent conscience, results in deviant behavior, deemed immoral, depraved, or criminal. Both "THE REALITY PRINCIPLE" and "THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE" are basic tenets of psychology and psychoanalytic theory. When applied to my experience with "criminal" cultures, they illustrate the differences in structure and function between "non-criminal" and "criminal" minds. FOR MORE THAN 42 YEARS, I have observed and learned about members of "criminal" cultures.* My conclusions are consistent with, and validated by Freudian theory.** Freudian theory analyzes one stage of mental development, which I have termed the "civilized" stage, in the evolution of different species of human mind in distinct stages. See "OBSERVATION OF SPECIES", under "about". THE ID is not only the origin of violence in criminals, it is also the source of their depravity and sickness. THE TOTAL ABSENCE OF FORMATION OF CONSCIENCE in individuals or groups, including cultures, nationalities, and races, results in their satisfying all criminal urges not expected to result in punishment. PUERTO RICANS are such a group. They are raised without punishment for wrongdoing, and have no use for conscience, rules, or laws. Moral thought is irrelevant in their "non-judgemental society". They also lack self-control, which they never learn, because there is nothing to control, due to the total absence of punishment for wrongdoing in their upbringing. Formation of conscience and obedience to law are absent from their psyches. They think in terms of committing crimes while avoiding punishment. They speak of victimizing persons raised with conscience, and of being proud of so doing!*** CONSCIENCE IS LEARNED IN SOCIETY. These people have their own society, which has no use for conscience. THEY COOPERATE with each other, and are raised to do so, and are taught to enjoy violent, sadistic victimization of outsiders whom they dislike or hate. They speak of obtaining "satisfaction" by victimizing whites who have moral sense. They occupy a wealthy area such as New York City and nearby locations, cooperating together to obtain that wealth by sheer numbers, driving whites with a conscience out, using methods which are criminal, and they finance this deviant criminal utopia with money obtained mostly from white tourists and investors. The wealth of this area is also used by them to maintain the economy of Puerto Rico. THE CONSEQUENCES FOR DEVIATION FROM FREUD'S MODEL are obvious. The larger society will not tolerate this behavior, once they know about it, because it is unacceptable. People will not allow criminal activity on such a massive scale, which is becoming known to them in various ways recently, and Puerto Ricans know it, and have concealed their psychology and behavior from others until now. THEY HAVE PERSECUTED ME as a white victim for more than 42 years, and only now is all of this being revealed, to large numbers of tourists, and others, seeing it for themselves in Manhattan, and finding out in other ways. No doubt the Police Commissioner of the City of New York, knew about Puerto Ricans committing most of the crimes in that city, but didn't understand why. Now, Mr. Commissioner, you know the reason for it, which is the psychology of the minds of the group committing those crimes. They are the problem, and you cannot solve it. Their minds are structured differently from yours and mine. A critical piece is absent: THE CONSCIENCE! MEMBERS OF THE CRIMINAL CULTURE victimizing myself and others in The New York Metropolitan Area, often state, "Our strength is that WE DON'T CARE!", which includes not caring about their innocent victims! All such cultures lack conscience, and their members consider criminal behavior to be normal for themselves! Moral judgements are absent from their warped psyches! They show no compassion for those whom they victimize! INDIVIDUALS HAVING CONSCIENCE RESPECT THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS! INDIVIDUALS LACKING CONSCIENCE VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS! WHEN THE SWISS RED CROSS demanded to be given access to a concentration camp, to conduct an inspection, Nazi authorities built a show camp, where Jews had apartments, theaters, restaurants, and their own currency, complete with an image of the Patriarch Moses on the bills! Within 2 days following the departure of the Red Cross officials, half of the Jews in the show camp had been transported in cattle cars to Auschwitz, where they were subsequently murdered in gas chambers! NAZI OFFICIALS had movies made which were shown to most of the German population, depicting Jews as enjoying listening to music, and reading books! See "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last item under "about". DO NOT TRUST MEMBERS OF CRIMINAL CULTURES! NAZI GERMANY was a criminal culture. At one of the notorious Nazi death camps, SS personnel built a swimming pool, separated from a gas chamber by a barbed wire fence: Nazi families enjoyed the pool, while innocent victims were being gassed to death a short distance away! SS cameramen filmed the atrocity! A FEMALE SS OFFICER at a different concentration camp, had lampshades made using human skin bearing tattoos removed from dead victims' remains! ADOLPH EICHMANN, an SS officer who assisted Josef Mengele in committing atrocities at Auschwitz, had a glass brick inserted into the wall of a gas chamber, so that he might enjoy watching innocent victims being gassed to death! YEARS LATER, in 1962, Adolph Eichmann was apprehended in Argentina by the Mossad, Israel's national intelligence agency, tried in Jerusalem for his crimes, and executed! See "KILLING HITLER BEFORE LUNCH", under "home". *see "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home". **what psychoanalytic theory postulates is the development of an individual's ego from childhood to adulthood, beginning with "the pleasure principle", and progressing to successive levels of "the reality principle", which transition I have termed the "civilized" stage of mind. Members of criminal cultures never achieve the "civilized" stage. They remain a primitive, undeveloped separate "species" of mind throughout their lives. Lacking conscience, their minds are structured to satisfy the often violent, depraved, irrational demands of their "ids" whenever they consider it safe to do so! See "CRIMINALS and CHILDREN", and "CRIMINALS AND CONSCIENCE", under "about". ***minds lacking conscience are not only criminal, but also deranged, which can be seen in the felons' persecution of myself, and their determination to find a way in which to murder me, for which they will not be held accountable. They are totally blind to consequences for vicious, sadistic, public murder attempts, and other crimes documented on this website, which they commit while the whole world watches, and think that what decent people know about doesn't matter! Knowing right from wrong, they do not care, which indicates criminal insanity on their part! The criminals resist all attempts made by normal people to reason with them! They enjoy committing serious crimes! Knowing right from wrong nevertheless makes them legally responsible for their actions! The criminal activity is calculated and deliberate! The essential problem with insanity, including "criminal" insanity, is that the insane lack normal minds with which to see their illness clearly. They view their thoughts and behavior as being normal for themselves, because they must use abnormal thought processes to evaluate their own psychology. Consider their deranged and depraved criminal thoughts, as revealed by their statements and actions noted on this website, and then decide for yourselves whether or not all of their crimes and dysfunctional behavior documented on this site, with both witnesses and evidence, make sense to sane, non-criminal minds. These are not sane criminals with rational motives. Sane criminals do not exist! These are insane members of "criminal" cultures, whose minds were formed in sick environments! They are unable to acknowledge, or even to recognize their warped, predatory illness as being such with those defective minds! See "ABSOLUTION OF GUILT - THE NEGATION OF CONSCIENCE THROUGH SELECTIVE VICTIMIZATION", under "about". See "ABSENT MIND - A PIECE IS MISSING", under "about". See "FORCE and FINESSE", "CRIMINALS and CHILDREN", "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", and "CRIMINALS AND CONSCIENCE", under "about". See "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last two items under "about". See "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact". See "ON TERRORISTS AND THERAPISTS", and "TWO DEFINTITONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS", under "home".