CIVILIZATION REQUIRES THE COOPERATION OF ITS MEMBERS: EVERY SOCIETY prohibits its members from harming others within that society, such prohibition protecting their lives, and their property. A universal prohibition exists, maintained by all societies on Earth, against destructiveness. Civilization thus protects itself against being destroyed from within. It fights for life, as individuals do, because it consists of all individuals in it, and the survival of those in every society depends, in many ways, upon their cooperation with each other. THE FREUDIAN MODEL, of id, ego, and superego, described in the previous section, evaluates conscience correctly, and is consistent with its origin and purpose. Conscience, learned in society, is society's protection against damage, preventing the unleashing of violent animal behavior, which humans have inherited from their ancestors, the Great Apes. The "id", "it", or "beast", without the controls learned as "conscience", is a rampaging wild animal, without self-control. CULTURAL RELATIVISM sees morality as relative, different cultures having different customs and norms. But the doctrine sees ALL morality as relative, missing the point that CONSCIENCE BASED UPON DOING NO HARM TO ANYONE, to yourself or to others, HAS UNIVERSAL VALIDITY. FORBIDDING DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR, EXCEPT IN NECESSARY SELF-DEFENSE, IS THE ONE INDISPENSABLE PROHIBITION VALIDATING CONSCIENCE. CIVILIZATION ESTABLISHES LAWS. The CORPUS OF LAW is the conscience of society as a whole, its collective conscience, forbidding damage to itself by any of its members. Formation of conscience and obedience to law, in its members, are the two pillars supporting Civilization. The actions of those lacking proper formation of conscience, are circumscribed by law. THE DEMOCRATIC IDEAL of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for everyone, with no person violating the rights of another, has established the United States as "the land of opportunity", where freedom flourishes, resulting in wave upon wave of immigration from other countries. PUERTO RICANS, in their behavior towards most whites, are wild animals lacking both conscience and self-control, victimizing citizens and disrespecting laws. They ridicule and hate everything we are, but not our money, which they obtain together collectively, using criminal methods learned from each other to do so, as described in other sections of this website. DARWIN said that speciation requires geographical isolation. Puerto Ricans inhabit their island, and cluster together here, in an insular culture. The structure of their minds is completely different from ours. The absence of conscience in their society, results in criminal behavior unacceptable here in the United States. See "VIOLATING THE FREUDIAN MODEL", and "ABSENT MIND - A PIECE IS MISSING", under "about"; and "AN INSANE SOCIETY", "CHEMICALS AND MIND", "WHAT CRAZINESS IS", and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact".