about myself: recognitions of enlightenment
A FORMER MARINE, whose father was a police officer, told Puerto Ricans at a gym in Bayonne, NJ, that their attempts to "bring me down" using physical and mental assaults, would not work. He told them that he recognized my response to those attacks, as indicating exceptional mental strength, which would enable me to handle anything, and said that he had been taught such recognition in the Marine Corps. I have been put through 42 years of Hell, and am stronger than ever! A FORMER PROFESSIONAL FIGHTER, now a respected trainer, calls me "Champ". He told Puerto Ricans at the gym where he trains champions, "I know who he is! You don't know who he is!". He also indicated to me, that had I boxed earlier in life, he could have made me a world champion. I learned to fight in the ring, by fighting this exceptional man, until I could win fights. A MEDICAL DOCTOR of Indian descent, aware of belief systems in India, overheard my answers to those harassing me, and told them: "This man is enlightened! I could tell by what he said to you! Do not go up against his mind! It is too powerful!". A VISITOR to this website on Banglalink, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, accessed the site by entering "sex deities com" into the Banglalink search engine. There is material relating to sex, and sexual victimization, on this site. My site is listed among many about sex deities. Bangladesh is situated geographically to the east of India, and to the south of China. It is eastern tradition to deify those attaining enlightenment. Confucius, Buddha, and Mahatma Gandhi, are among those declared gods in the Orient. ENLIGHTENMENT, WHEN UNDERSTOOD IN TERMS OF EVOLUTION OF MIND, IS THE ATTAINMENT OF HIGHER STAGES OF MIND. ENLIGHTENED MINDS ARE ADVANCED SPECIES OF MIND. I CREATED THIS PAGE ABOUT MYSELF, TO INDICATE THAT THE IDEAS ON THIS WEBSITE ARE IMPORTANT, AND VALID. THE UNUSUAL INCIDENTS OF RECOGNITION DESCRIBED ABOVE, TAKEN TOGETHER, ARE NOT LIKELY TO BE COINCIDENTAL. PLEASE COPY AND RETAIN THIS SITE! See the next two sections, "about myself (what enlightened ones know)", and "about myself (my actions as protecting and saving innocent lives)", under "contact". Also see "ABOUT ME", "HOW I SPOT MY MIND", "WHY YOU SHOULD COPY AND RETAIN THIS WEBSITE", "WHY I DID IT", and "SANITY - HONESTY - WELTANSCHAUUNG", under "home". See "INTELLIGENCE - MORALITY - ENLIGHTENMENT", under "about"; and "my credentials", under "contact".