"Read neither to accept and believe, nor to reject and refute, but to weigh and consider." -Francis Bacon Freedom of the press obliges the public to decide the validity and significance of what is presented to them. Anything else is not democracy. Free men have free minds! MIND DEVELOPS IN AN ENVIRONMENT: The democratic ideal of enabling each person to develop his life, and himself, with freedom to do so, while respecting those same rights in others, is consistent with Man's mental evolution. Recorded history is a chronicle of the progress of that evolution in Civilization. The historical process of absolute monarchies being overthrown, and replaced by democracies, is not accidental. It is, in fact, a part of the ongoing evolution of the Human Race through time. This process requires the freedom of individuals, and societies, from damage, including that of tyranny and oppression. Free men are political equals. The mental species which I have called "civilized" mind, respects the rights of others, enabling their development, as well as his own. Those who assume a right to victimize others, have no such right. They take it upon themselves to do so. They are enemies among us. They are "criminal" mind. The concept of individual, unique self, developed in the West, in Athenian society. The inscription above the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi read, "Know THYSELF! Nothing in Excess!". Prior to the Athenians, people were not individuals. They all had the same identities as other members of their respective groups. American democracy is based upon Athenian ideas.* Only unique individuals can arrive at previously unseen solutions, which effectively solve problems for the first time, or in a better way. The advancement of self, and of society, depends upon this. Group mental identity means that any one of them can only do what the others can do. Division of labor into specialties, merely means that such people know how to do what others know, in such specialties. It is duplication, not advancement, even though it serves a purpose.** The genius of The Founding Fathers, and the success of The United States, resulted from individuality. It is individual rights, not collective ones, which are guaranteed by the Constitution. All of these Puerto Ricans are making a group criminal effort. Millions of them repeat the same behaviors, which they learn from each other. THIS WEBSITE, and other steps which I have taken, are a unique, individual solution to a serious problem, both for myself, and for this country. *to better understand the opposition of democracy to fascism and communism, see "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about", esp. the **** footnote to that section on "Great Books of the Western World", Karl Marx, "Das Kapital", Vladimir Lenin, "Imperialism", and Joseph Stalin. See also "my credentials", and "bibliography and notes", under "contact". ** "Monkey see, monkey do!" works very well, provided that some of the monkeys do things for the first time, without seeing others do them. This has always been so: There must be a beginning to knowledge. Important advancements are labelled works of "genius". Those contributing them are always unique individuals. See "FIGHTING CRIMINAL MIND", and "HEGEL and THE FOUNDING FATHERS", under "home". See esp. "ON GREAT MEN AND GOVERNMENT", and "THE GREAT APES AND CIVILIZATION - THE GREAT MAN THEORY OF HISTORY OVER TIME", under "contact".