THOSE INFLICTING this damage upon myself and others, would not be so doing, unless they are enjoying it! I have noted elsewhere,* that "criminal" mind enjoys harming those whom it victimizes. Puerto Ricans speak of obtaining "satisfaction" by harming white victims. They value such sadism. It is biochemically reinforced. Those helping them are also sadistic, regardless of their race. This explains the criminal activity documented on this website. VICTIMIZATION OF OTHERS gives the criminals pleasure, and they are addicted to it: it is a form of mental gluttony, and they can never get enough "satisfaction". It is a hunger which they can never satisfy. Their behavior is unrestrained, continuous, and relentless.** CRIMINAL MINDS are warped in ways which cannot be changed. Efforts to reason with them fail. "Criminal" mind is a FIXED mental species, which enjoys harming innocent victims, and must be dealt with as such. *see "THE AMOUNT OF SUFFERING THE CRIMINALS INFLICTED IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO BRING ME DOWN", under "home"; "VILE PUERTO RICAN RACISM AND HATE CRIMES", under "about"; and "CHEMICALS AND MIND", under "contact". **see "CHEMICALS AND MIND", under "contact". Both sadism and drug addiction have a biochemical basis. Members of criminal cultures are addicted to being both verbally and physically violent, and to committing other forms of crime. They seek out opportunities and victims. See "GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER", "SATISFACTION FROM MURDER", and "CRIME AND PUNISHMENT - CRIMINAL MOTIVES AS DEADLY SINS", under "home"; and "THE MOTIVES FOR THESE CRIMES WITH WHICH I AND OTHERS ARE BEING VICTIMIZED", under "about". See "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home". See "ON COMPLIANCE AND RESISTANCE", under "home". See "CONQUEST", "CHEMICALS AND MIND", "WHAT CRAZINESS IS", and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact". See "BIOCHEMISTRY AND SOCIETY", and "POINTLESS VIOLENCE AND BIOCHEMICAL REINFORCEMENT", under "about". See "TWO DEFINITIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS", under "home". See "SPILLING BLOOD WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES", under "home". See "ANONYMITY IN NUMBERS - THE PROBLEM WITH MAKING ARRESTS", the last item under "home". See "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last 2 items under "about".