I HAVE STATED that the absence of conscience, due to its total devaluation in their culture, produces an inability in Puerto Ricans to reason about consequences for behavior. Whites with moral sense, when confronting that vacancy of mind, have referred to Puerto Ricans at gyms, and other locations, as being "crazy". The statement, "OUR STRENGTH IS THAT WE DON'T CARE!", indicates an absence of functional conscience, and moral thought, in their "NON-JUDGEMENTAL SOCIETY". Statements such as, "We're all in here! If you don't like it, LEAVE!", indicate an arrogant inability on the part of these criminals to respond to moral reasoning, and to warnings about consequences for their behavior. THIS ABSENCE of moral reasoning in their thought processes is total. THEY ARE subject to a form of non-surgical "lobotomy": the component of mind known as "conscience", and everything which that component implies about thinking and behavior, hasn't been surgically removed: it is never learned! THE OMISSION of "conscience" from their upbringing is deliberate: they are raised to obtain "satisfaction" by cooperating together to victimize those having moral sense with serious crimes, and to enjoy avoiding punishment for such criminality. Theirs is a culture based upon "criminal" mind. Note once again their frequent statement, "Our strength is that WE DON'T CARE!" (about right and wrong, moral values, decency, honesty, etc.). Their statement, "Thank you for the 'CIVICS LESSON'!", is a sarcastic response ridiculing social responsibility and normal, "non-criminal" behavior. PUERTO RICAN staff with graduate degrees in social work and psychology, had to be warned by a psychiatrist in charge, at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Christ Hospital, Jersey City, NJ, that they cannot simply commit someone (myself), whose mind is normal, merely because they wish to do so. A WHITE DOCTOR warned Puerto Rican staff in the lobby of Christ Hospital, "You can't do whatever you want, just because you're here!". The Puerto Rican concept of "freedom" involves doing exactly that, while helping each other to avoid punishment. Their minds function in that manner. PUERTO RICAN cops at Rumba's Cafe on Central Avenue, in Jersey City, NJ, had no idea of the purpose to which the FBI puts civil rights laws (FBI agents arrest police, and others in government guilty of serious crimes, using those laws, enacted by Congress, to do so). PUERTO RICAN patrons at Rumba's Cafe, wanted police there to arrest me, when I had not committed any crime. MUHLENBERG GARDENS residents and staff, have been called "crazy" by visitors to the building, for publicly committing serious crimes, while being certain that they will not be punished. The history of this criminal activity, which includes the crimes of others in New Jersey, and in New York City, whom those at Muhlenberg urged to victimize me, confirms the absence of moral reasoning ability in their minds. THESE CRIMINALS are blissfully unexpectful of consequences for conspiracy to commit murder, and other serious crimes, while at the same time knowing right from wrong, but being unable, and unwilling, to think and act upon that knowledge! STATEMENTS such as, "You'll be the only one hurt, and we'll walk away from it UNTOUCHED!", and, "We're not going to STOP!", indicate their mentality. And there are millions of them in this geographical area, in pursuit of its wealth! SUCH WARPED thought processes indicate fully developed "criminal" mind, which is a species distinct from "civilized", "non-criminal" mind. It is a lower species of mind, typical of Man prior to Civilization: there is a piece necessary to Civilization missing! Conscience is absent from minds in The State of Nature. There is no need for it! Wouldn't it be wonderful if everything you ever wanted were here for the taking, without regard for law, including that of private ownership, and civil rights? Like a bunch of bananas hanging from a tree in the jungle, with no owner to get in your way? Or if one did, you'd simply kill him? Did you ever hear of "hunter-gatherers"? How about statements such as, "We'll get that apartment, and everything in it!", "They have their hearts set on what's in that apartment!", "Someone else could use that apartment!", "When WE control the building, we'll just TAKE what we want!", "Now you know what WE'RE all COMPETING for! That's why YOU'RE not getting a JOB!", "We'd do it to ALL of them, if we could get our hands on them!", "We'll get that WEBSITE!", and so forth? See "MURDER OR IMPRISONMENT OR THE MOVING MAN", and "STATEMENTS BY CRIMINALS INDICATING A TAKEOVER OF THIS GEOGRAPHICAL AREA", under "home"; and "CERTAIN ONES - DIRECT QUOTES", under "about", for lists of more statements made by the criminals. See "VIOLATING THE FREUDIAN MODEL", "CRIMINALS and CHILDREN", "CRIMINALS AND CONSCIENCE", and "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about". See "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last two items under "about". See "CONQUEST", "AN INSANE SOCIETY", and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact".