(last updated December 21, 2024) DONALD J. TRUMP HAS BEEN ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES, DESPITE ALL WARNINGS AND MISGIVINGS! DONALD TRUMP AND HIS ASSOCIATES WILL NOW CONTROL THE WHITE HOUSE, BOTH LEGISLATIVE BODIES OF CONGRESS, AND THE SUPREME COURT! THEIR TAKEOVER OF ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT IS COMPLETE, AND PERFECTLY LEGAL! DONALD TRUMP AND HIS ASSOCIATES IN CRIME HAVE NOW OBTAINED ABSOLUTE POWER, GIVEN TO THEM BY THE PEOPLE, AS DID VLADIMIR PUTIN, ADOLPH HITLER, BENITO MUSSOLINI, HIDEKI TOJO, AND THE MANY OTHER CRIMINAL DICTATORS AND THEIR FOLLOWERS BEFORE THEM! THEY WILL LEGISLATE THEIR PROJECT 2025 CRIMINAL AGENDA, TURNING IT INTO LAW! NOTE INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR STATEMENTS OF INTENT TO DO SO CATALOGUED ON THIS WEBSITE! DONALD TRUMP WILL SELECT HIS CABINET, CONSISTING OF HIS VICE PRESIDENT AND 15 EXECUTIVES CONTROLLING GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, TO ENFORCE HIS WILL UPON AMERICA! HE WILL ALSO HAVE FOUR MORE YEARS DURING WHICH TO NOMINATE MORE CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, AS POSITIONS BECOME VACANT! DONALD J. TRUMP'S LOYALISTS IN CONGRESS ARE EXPECTED TO CONFIRM THOSE NOMINATIONS! HIS "RUBBER STAMP" SUPREME COURT HAS ALREADY MISINTERPRETED THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION AS GIVING HIM, AND ALL FUTURE PRESIDENTS LIKE HIM, THE LEGAL RIGHT TO COMMIT "OFFICIAL" CRIMES WHILE IN OFFICE, WITHOUT BEING PROSECUTED AND PUNISHED! DONALD J. TRUMP WILL USE LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE MILITARY TO IMPOSE HIS WILL UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! HE HAS FORMULATED PLANS TO FIRE ALL GENERALS AND OTHER MILITARY PERSONNEL MORE LIKELY TO OBEY THE CONSTITUTION RATHER THAN HIS OWN ILLEGAL ORDERS! ADOLPH EICHMANN, A NOTORIOUS WAR CRIMINAL WHO TOOK PART IN THE "HOLOCAUST", CLAIMED AT HIS TRIAL IN JERUSALEM YEARS LATER, "I HAD TO OBEY ORDERS!". THREE ISRAELI JUDGES TOLD EICHMANN THAT A MORAL OBLIGATION EXISTED TO DISOBEY SUCH ILLEGAL ORDERS! EICHMANN WAS SUBSEQUENTLY CONVICTED, AND EXECUTED! DONALD TRUMP HAS EXPRESSED CRIMINAL INTENT TO REMOVE THE CONSTITUTION ENTIRELY, AND TO REMAIN IN OFFICE PERMANENTLY, WITHOUT FURTHER ELECTIONS! TRUMP WILL ATTEMPT TO USE OFFICIAL "LEGAL" MEANS TO DO THIS, AND WILL ALSO EMPLOY LAW TO "GET EVEN" WITH HIS POLITICAL OPPONENTS AND PERCEIVED "ENEMIES", INCLUDING CERTAIN MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, THE NEWS MEDIA AND THE FREE PRESS! AS PRESIDENT, DONALD TRUMP WILL SUPPRESS FREE SPEECH AND FREEDOM OF THE PRESS! DONALD J. TRUMP HAS PREVIOUSLY EXPRESSED AN INTENT TO "WEAPONIZE" THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AND OTHER CRIMINAL GOALS! HIS SUPPORTERS ARE ENGAGING IN A PRACTICE KNOWN AS "RINO" HUNTING! THEY SEEK TO IDENTIFY REPUBLICANS WHO DISAGREE WITH TRUMP'S IDEAS, SO THAT THEY MAY BE PUNISHED! THE ACRONYM "RINO" STANDS FOR "REPUBLICAN IN NAME ONLY"! DONALD TRUMP DEMANDS TOTAL OBEDIENCE TO HIMSELF AND HIS MAGA PROJECT 2025 AGENDA! WHAT THE FOUNDING FATHERS FEARED MOST, HAS NOW ACTUALLY HAPPENED! SEE THE ITEM "1984", AND ITS *** FOOTNOTE TO "bibliography and notes", under "contact". IS THIS WHAT WORLDWIDE, PRESUMABLY DEMOCRATIC ELECTORATES EXPECT? DID THE CITIZENS WHO VOTED FOR ADOLPH HITLER, BENITO MUSSOLINI, VLADIMIR PUTIN, AND DONALD J. TRUMP ACTUALLY ANTICIPATE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FASCIST "CRIMINAL" DICTATORSHIPS IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES? DID THEY REALLY WANT "CRIMINAL WORLD ORDERS" ESTABLISHED BY ALLIANCES FORMED BY DULY ELECTED "GREAT MEN" OF THE "CRIMINAL" MIND-TYPE, INTENT UPON MAKING THEIR "CRIMINAL WORLD VIEWS" REALITIES? HISTORICALLY, FASCIST DICTATORSHIPS HAVE EVOLVED IN GERMANY, ITALY, JAPAN, SPAIN, CHINA, YUGOSLAVIA, UGANDA, IRAN, RUSSIA, NORTH KOREA, AND ELSEWHERE, AND ONE IS NOW TAKING CONTROL OF THE UNITED STATES! THE PREVALENCE OF CRIMINAL DICTATORSHIPS THROUGHOUT WORLD HISTORY CONFIRMS THE PRESENCE OF "CRIMINAL" MIND AS A SPECIES IN THE HUMAN POPULATION! See "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home"; "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about"; and "STAGES OF MIND", under "contact". THE FACT THAT THE LATINO VOTE HAS HELPED TO SWAY THE ELECTION RESULTS IN DONALD TRUMP'S FAVOR IS PARADOXICAL: MOST OF THE IMMIGRANTS WHOM TRUMP INTENDS TO ARREST AND DEPORT, BY USING THE MILITARY TO DO SO, ARE FROM LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES! ONLY 43% OF AMERICAN ADULTS HAVE A COLLEGE DEGREE! WORKING CLASS VOTERS DISSATISFIED WITH THEIR ECONOMIC PLIGHT LARGELY ACCOUNT FOR DONALD TRUMP'S VICTORY! THEY DESPERATELY WANT THEIR LIVING CONDITIONS TO IMPROVE! VOTERS HAVE PRIORITIZED SUCH ISSUES AS THE ECONOMY, IMMIGRATION, AND CRIME, IGNORING CONSIDERATIONS OF THE NEED TO MAINTAIN DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS! THEY HAVE CHOSEN A DICTATORSHIP, EXPECTING TO BENEFIT BY SO DOING! AS VOTERS, THEY HAVE OVERLOOKED DONALD TRUMP'S MANY YEARS OF MISTATEMENTS OF FACTS, OUTRIGHT LIES, HIS DELUSIONAL CONSPIRACY THEORIES, "INCENDIARY" RHETORIC AND "UNHINGED" BEHAVIOR, WHICH HAVE LED TO MURDERS AND OTHER FELONY CRIMES BEING COMMITTED BY HIS FOLLOWERS (HE INTENDS TO PARDON ALL SUCH FELONS, AND CALLS THEM "PATRIOTS"!); HIS JANUARY 6, 2021 INCITEMENT OF INSURRECTION AGAINST CONGRESS BY AN ARMED MOB; AND THE FACT THAT HE IS A CONVICTED FELON! HISTORY DEMONSTRATES THAT THE AMERICAN ELECTORATE HAVE MADE A SERIOUS MISTAKE! DONALD J. TRUMP POSED AS THEIR DIVINELY APPOINTED "MESSIAH", CLAIMING TO HAVE SURVIVED ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS BECAUSE OF "DIVINE INTERVENTION", AT A TIME OF SEVERE CRISES AND UNREST! VLADIMIR PUTIN HAS CALLED TRUMP, "A REAL MAN!". PUTIN PRESENTS HIMSELF TO THE RUSSIAN ELECTORATE AS BEING A "SAVIOR" OF RUSSIA, AND WANTED DONALD J. TRUMP ELECTED! CAMPAIGN MATERIAL CAPTIONED "HITLER OVER GERMANY!" WAS USED BY NAZIS CLAIMING HITLER'S "HEROISM" FOR FLYING TO DIFFERENT LOCATIONS IN GERMANY TO CAMPAIGN, DESPITE ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS! HOW "HEROIC" ALL OF THESE "CRIMINAL" LEADERS ARE! AND ALL OF THEM PRESENT THEMSELVES AS "SAVIORS" OF THE COUNTRIES WHICH THEY SEEK TO CONTROL, AND SUBJECT TO THEIR WILL! DONALD TRUMP HAS PROVEN HIMSELF TO BE ANOTHER "GREAT MAN" OF THE "CRIMINAL" MIND-TYPE, AND I FULLY EXPECT THAT AT LEAST SOME, IF NOT MOST OF HIS ACTIONS AS PRESIDENT, WILL BE CRIMINAL! THE FACT THAT MOST VOTERS DO NOT PRESENTLY AGREE WITH MY VIEW OF DONALD J. TRUMP AT ALL, IS OF NO CONSEQUENCE! TRUMP, A "GREAT MAN" OF THE "CRIMINAL" MIND-TYPE, WILL REVEAL HIMSELF AS SUCH BY HIS ACTIONS IN OFFICE! IF THE IDEAS ON THIS WEBSITE CONCERNING "CRIMINAL" MIND ARE CORRECT, HE CANNOT DO OTHERWISE! The essential problem facing felons is that crimes are illegal! "Great men" of the "criminal" mind-type, depending upon help from their supporters, solve that problem by gaining control over governments, and subsequently enacting laws which authorize a "criminal" use of absolute power! Their crimes are thus no longer prohibited, or punishable! These dictators are free to commit their offenses with impunity! Their actions are "legal"! Criminal leaders do enormous damage, and "whatever the Hell they want" to their "non-criminal" victims! Adolph Hitler did this in Nazi Germany, Vladimir Putin has done so in The Russian Federation, and Donald Trump will do exactly the same thing in these United States! The Supreme Court has already "legalized" crimes committed by President-elect Donald J. Trump as a part of his "official" duties when in office! Among Donald Trump's candidates for his Cabinet, and other positions of control over government agencies and policies, are a number of Trump loyalists who contributed materials to his MAGA PROJECT 2025 Heritage Foundation's "blueprint for change", and billionaires, and CEOs and presidents of major corporations, who gave large amounts of money to his candidacy for president. A noticeable concentration of wealth and power is characteristic of Donald Trump's forthcoming administration! Control over this country and its resources will be placed in the hands of the wealthy, which is exactly what Vladimir Putin did with Russia's "household income" as President of The Russian Federation! He gave 180 individuals in Russia 35% of that country's wealth, rendering them indebted and loyal to himself and his fascist regime! Senator Bernie Sanders said of Donald Trump's and Elon Musk's recent "torpedoing" of the House legislation intended to avoid a government shutdown, "This is what AUTHORITARIANISM is all about!", and, "This is what DICTATORSHIP is all about!". Donald Trump and his billionaire associates are already controlling the legislative process in Congress, prior to Trump's inauguration as president! Trump will also demand the prosecution and imprisonment of all Members of Congress who served on the January 6 Select Committee, which investigated his incitement of insurrection against the United States Government! Joe Biden is being urged to issue "pre-emptive pardons" for Trump's intended victims prior to leaving office! Watch what Donald J. Trump and his hand-picked loyalist billionaire henchmen will do during the next four years with absolute power! See "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", the next-to-last item under "about", esp. the * footnote to that section. See "THE GREAT APES AND CIVILIZATION - THE GREAT MAN THEORY OF HISTORY OVER TIME", the next-to-last item under "contact". See "CRIMINAL MIND AND ANARCHY - ADVOCATING THE STATE OF NATURE", under "home". DESPITE A TOTALLY ABNORMAL NUMBER OF TORNADOS, HURRICANES, CYCLONES, FLOODS, SEVERE DROUGHTS RESULTING IN FOREST AND BRUSH FIRES, THE EXTINCTION OF MANY SPECIES, OCEAN WARMING, AND MELTING OF GLACIERS AND SEA ICE, CULMINATING IN SEA LEVEL RISE, DONALD TRUMP HAS REFERRED TO GLOBAL WARMING AS "BUNK", AND WILL WITHDRAW THE UNITED STATES FROM CLIMATE CONTROL AGREEMENTS, INCLUDING THE U.N. PARIS ACCORDS! DONALD TRUMP'S ADMINISTRATION WILL IMPLEMENT A WIDESPREAD BURNING OF FOSSIL FUELS IN THE UNITED STATES! TRUMP WILL IMPOSE TARIFFS ON GOODS IMPORTED FROM CHINA, CANADA, MEXICO, AND PROBABLY OTHER NATIONS! HE WILL WITHDRAW THIS COUNTRY FROM MILITARY ALLIANCES OVERSEAS! AS IS NOTED ABOVE, DONALD J. TRUMP INTENDS TO ARREST AND DEPORT MILLIONS OF UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS, AND TO FINISH HIS BORDER WALL WITH MEXICO INTENDED TO KEEP THE IMMIGRANTS OUT OF THE UNITED STATES! TRUMP IGNORES THE FACT THAT THE UNITED STATES HAS TRADITIONALLY BEEN A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS, AND HAS DRAWN ITS STRENGTH FROM IMMIGRATION! MANY UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS WHOM DONALD TRUMP INTENDS TO ARREST AND DEPORT, HAVE LIVED AND WORKED IN THE UNITED STATES FOR YEARS, AND HAVE THUS CONTRIBUTED SUBSTANTIALLY TO THIS NATION'S ECONOMY! MOST HAVE RAISED FAMILIES HERE, AND ARE NOT CRIMINALS! AMONG THEM ARE THOSE WHO OWN AND/OR OPERATE SMALL BUSINESSES! THEY PAY TAXES! DONALD J. TRUMP WILL DEPORT DECENT, RELIABLE WORKERS AND BUSINESS OWNERS, AND SEPARATE FAMILY MEMBERS! WHEREAS ADOLPH HITLER BLAMED ALL OF GERMANY'S PROBLEMS UPON EUROPEAN JEWS, USING THEM AS "SCAPEGOATS", DONALD TRUMP CONVENIENTLY AND UNFAIRLY BLAMES AMERICA'S CRIME PROBLEMS UPON ALL UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS! ADOLPH HITLER ARRESTED JEWS WHO WOULDN'T EMIGRATE FROM THE THIRD REICH TO OTHER COUNTRIES, CONFINED THEM IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS, AND MURDERED 6 MILLION OF THEM IN GAS CHAMBERS, IN A TOTALLY UNSPEAKABLE ATROCITY SUBSEQUENTLY KNOWN AS THE "HOLOCAUST"! DONALD TRUMP WILL ARREST ALL UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS PRESENTLY LIVING IN THE UNITED STATES, CONFINE THEM IN "DETENTION" CENTERS, AND THEN FORCIBLY DEPORT THE MILLIONS OF SUCH DETAINEES TO OTHER COUNTRIES! DEPORTING IMMIGRANTS IS A WELL-KNOWN FASCIST TACTIC: SEE WIKIPEDIA.ORG FOR DETAILS! VLADIMIR PUTIN HAS BEEN KIDNAPPING ENORMOUS NUMBERS OF UKRAINIAN CHILDREN, AND SENDING THEM TO REMOTE LOCATIONS DEEP INSIDE RUSSIA! PUTIN HAS SUBSEQUENTLY BEEN INDICTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT FOR SO DOING! HEINRICH HIMMLER, THE HEAD OF HITLER'S DREADED SS, DEFENDED THE MURDERS OF JEWISH CHILDREN IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS AS BEING NECESSARY, BECAUSE THE CHILDREN WOULD ALLEGEDLY BETRAY THE THIRD REICH WHEN ADULTS! THE FACTS DETAILING SIMILAR IDEAS AND ACTIONS BY VARIOUS FASCIST DICTATORSHIPS DESCRIBED ON THIS WEBSITE, ARE AVAILABLE FROM HISTORICAL SOURCES INCLUDING DOCUMENTARIES, AND CURRENT NEWS REPORTS BY THE MEDIA! THE ABOVE POLICIES ESPOUSED BY PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD J. TRUMP, WHICH ARE SIMILAR TO THOSE OF HITLER'S THIRD REICH AND PUTIN'S RUSSIAN FEDERATION, WHEN CONSIDERED TOGETHER, REPRESENT AN UNREALISTIC FASCIST, PROTECTIONIST, ISOLATIONIST VIEW OF AMERICA: WHEREAS DONALD TRUMP SEEKS TO "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN", AND RETURN IT TO ITS FORMER "GLORY" OF TIMES LONG SINCE PAST, THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS CHANGED DRAMATICALLY OVER TIME! THE UNITED STATES IS NO LONGER PROTECTED BY ENORMOUS EXPANSES OF OCEAN, WITHOUT AIRCRAFT, NUCLEAR SUBMARINES, ICBMS, SATELLITES, AND MODERN COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA SUCH AS RADIO, TELEVISION, CELL PHONES, AND THE INTERNET, AND EXTENSIVE WORLDWIDE COMMERCE UNDOING THE EFFECTS OF THAT GEOGRAPHICAL ISOLATION! DONALD J. TRUMP'S IDEAS ARE OUTDATED, AND THEREFORE CANNOT WORK IN TODAY'S WORLD! DECENT, SANE, INTELLIGENT PUBLIC SERVANTS AT ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT ARE ALREADY PREPARING TO OPPOSE DONALD J. TRUMP'S ASSAULTS UPON DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRATIC PROCESSES! TO UNDERSTAND THE OVERALL AMOUNT OF DAMAGE DONE TO THIS COUNTRY BY DONALD J. TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS AT ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT SO FAR, NOTE THAT THE TEXAS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION HAS APPROVED A MEASURE MANDATING THE TEACHING OF BIBLE STORIES TO ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THAT STATE, AS A PART OF THEIR CURRICULUM! THE MANDATORY DISPLAYING OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASSROOMS HAS ALSO BEEN PROPOSED! DONALD TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN ALLIED ITSELF WITH EVANGELICAL AND FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN MOVEMENTS! SEE THE * FOOTNOTE TO "bibliography and notes", under "contact", FOR INFORMATION ON THE CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE, WRITTEN INTO LAW BY THE FOUNDING FATHERS, FORBIDDING STATE MANDATED RELIGIOUS BELIEFS! ALL SUCH MANDATES ARE A FORM OF FORCIBLE BRAINWASHING OF CITIZENS BY THOSE CONTROLLING GOVERNMENTS, WHO SEEK TO REMAIN IN POWER BY CONTROLLING THE MINDS OF THE FAITHFUL! SEE THE INFORMATION ABOUT STATE MANDATED RELIGION AND "DIVINE RIGHT" MONARCHY AS HISTORICALLY BEING USED AS TOOLS TO RETAIN POWER, IN "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about"! AS IS NOTED ABOVE, DONALD J. TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN CLAIMED TO HAVE "DIVINE APPROVAL", TRUMP HIMSELF POSING AS THE "SAVIOR" OF AMERICA, WHOM GOD HIMSELF HAD ALLEGEDLY PROTECTED AGAINST THREE DIFFERENT ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS! TRUMP'S CANDIDACY REPRESENTED ITSELF AS BEING A BIBLICAL "FINAL BATTLE" BETWEEN THE FORCES OF GOOD AND EVIL! IF TRUMP LOST THE 2024 ELECTION, GOD WOULD "SEVERELY PUNISH" AMERICA FOR ELECTING TRUMP'S AND GOD'S "ENEMIES", WHOM TRUMP CONSISTENTLY REFERRED TO DURING HIS CAMPAIGN AS "THE ENEMY WITHIN"! DONALD J. TRUMP HAS ALSO CALLED HIMSELF, "THE MOST INNOCENT MAN IN HISTORY", A TITLE WHICH RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF: "HE WAS LIKE UNTO US IN ALL THINGS BUT SIN!", THE HOLY GOSPEL. PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A POWER MAD, EGOMANIACAL DESPOT! A LIAR AND A DEMAGOGUE, HE WILL USE ANY AND ALL MEANS, LEGAL OR OTHERWISE, TO OBTAIN AND REMAIN IN ABSOLUTE POWER! NO WONDER PUTIN WANTED HIM ELECTED! Birds of a feather, flock together!" -proverbial wisdom. SEE THE RECOMMENDED SECTIONS WHICH FOLLOW! THIS WEBSITE HAS BEEN AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET FOR 13 YEARS, TO 5 BILLION USERS OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB! I AM 78 YEARS OF AGE! LET DONALD TRUMP AND HIS HENCHMEN, OR THE LEADERS OF SOME OTHER CRIMINAL CULTURE, VICTIMIZE ME FURTHER, AND COMPROMISE THIS WEBSITE IN AN EFFORT TO CONCEAL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, SHOULD THE FELONS WISH TO DO SO IN FRONT OF AN INTERNATIONAL, WORLDWIDE AUDIENCE OF READERS! THE CITIZENS OF DEMOCRACIES HAVE BOTH A RIGHT AND A NEED TO BE INFORMED! THE CONFLICT BETWEEN THE "CRIMINAL" AND THE "NON-CRIMINAL" SPECIES OF MIND IS IN FACT PERENNIAL AND UNIVERSAL, AND THEREFORE ALWAYS OF CONCERN TO DECENT, FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE! ALL "FASCIST" DICTATORSHIPS ARE A REALISATION BY "GREAT MEN" OF THE "CRIMINAL" MIND-TYPE, AND THE MEMBERS OF THEIR "CRIMINAL" CULTURES, OF THEIR OWN "CRIMINAL WORLD VIEWS"! "The wicked cannot abide the just!" -Solomon, King of Israel, who imparted wisdom to his son, heir to the throne, by writing "The Book of Proverbs", in The Holy Bible. "You hurt our 'Fearless Leader', and we're going to get even!" -a Puerto Rican felon, among hundreds of such criminals amassed on the 9th Street/Congress Street Light Rail platform, on the border of Hoboken, NJ with Jersey City, NJ. "Fearless Leader" is apparently another "great man" of the "criminal" mind-type! See "THE IDENTITY OF FEARLESS LEADER", under "home"; and "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about", for more information. "If he won't come over to us, he has to be KILLED!" -a member of the "criminal" culture victimizing myself and others primarily in Jersey City, NJ, and New York City, NY, referring to myself! See the following material, and "OBSERVATION OF SPECIES", under "about"; also see other sections of this website for more detailed information and analysis. I learned about "criminal" mind by being victimized by members of the local "criminal" culture, indigenous to this geographical area, for more than 42 years! That "criminal" culture characteristically has a "criminal" leader! They always do! The similarities noted on this website as being characteristic of all such "criminal" cultures, and their "criminal" leaders, have proven to be reliable indicators of the validity of the information and ideas presented on this site! CRIMINAL LEADERS AND THEIR CRIMINAL CULTURES OFTEN COMMIT SUCCESSFUL CRIMES BY DEPRIVING THEIR VICTIMS OF THEIR RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO BE INFORMED, WHICH DEPENDS IN THE UNITED STATES UPON FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, AND THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT! NOTE THE FOLLOWING RELEVANT QUOTES: "We'll get that WEBSITE!" -a statement frequently made by members of the local "criminal" culture victimizing myself and others. "If anyone's rights can be denied, everyone's rights can be denied!" -President John F. Kennedy. "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people, all of the time!" -President Abraham Lincoln. "You can be a part of the problem, or a part of the solution! I chose to be a part of the solution!" -Judge Joe Brown, speaking on his televised courtroom program. IDEALLY, YOU SHOULD READ THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE! THE REFERRALS MADE IN ITEMS OF INTEREST WILL LEAD YOU TO OTHER SUCH ITEMS! KKR, DECEMBER 20, 2024. A CONVICTED FELON, A DEMAGOGUE AND PATHOLOGICAL LIAR (i.e. A "GREAT MAN" OF THE "CRIMINAL" MIND-TYPE), HAS NOW BEEN ELECTED TO THE PRESIDENCY OF THESE UNITED STATES! SUCH "CRIMINAL" LEADERS HAVE HISTORICALLY BEEN ELECTED TO HIGH OFFICE IN A NUMBER OF OTHER NATIONS! WHAT HAS HAPPENED ELSEWHERE, HAS NOW HAPPENED HERE! IS THAT SURPRISING? "Those who cannot learn from the mistakes of the past, are doomed to repeat them in the future!" -George Santayana, Preface to "Metaphysics". "All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing!" -a well-known proverb. "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything!" -Albert Einstein. "The fault, Horatio, is not in our stars, but in ourselves!" -Hamlet to Horatio, in "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark", by William Shakespeare. "We have met the enemy, and he is us!" -from "Pogo", the comic strip. A DOMINANT "CRIMINAL WORLD ORDER" COMPRISED OF RUSSIA, IRAN, CHINA, NORTH KOREA, AND THE UNITED STATES UNDER DONALD J. TRUMP WILL NOW BE ESTABLISHED! RUSSIA'S VLADIMIR PUTIN AND HIS INTERNET HACKERS WANTED DONALD TRUMP ELECTED! THEY HAVE INTERFERED IN TWO ELECTIONS, ATTEMPTING TO ACHIEVE THAT END! VLADIMIR PUTIN AND OTHER "CRIMINAL" LEADERS HAVE "FINESSED" POWER, IN A MILITARY, ECONOMIC, AND GEOPOLITICAL "COUP"! DID YOU THINK THAT DONALD J. TRUMP'S COUP ATTEMPT ON JANUARY 6, 2021 HAD FAILED? WHY THEN IS DONALD J. TRUMP NOW PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES? ALSO NOTE THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE "BRICS" GEOPOLITICAL ALLIANCE OF "CRIMINAL" LEADERS DETAILED IN "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about". REMEMBER ADOLPH HITLER'S "THOUSAND YEAR REICH"? AND OSAMA BIN LADEN'S "ISLAMIC EMPIRE"? DONALD J. TRUMP EXPRESSED ADMIRATION FOR ADOLPH HITLER, VLADIMIR PUTIN, AND KIM JONG UN OF NORTH KOREA, AND HAS BLAMED THE HOLOCAUST ON SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE! TRUMP HAS PRAISED HAMAS AND HEZBOLLAH, AND BLAMES HAMAS' ATTACK UPON ISRAEL, UPON ISRAEL ITSELF AND PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN! PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP IS A "GREAT MAN" OF THE "CRIMINAL" MIND-TYPE! See "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home". THE MANY CRIMINAL TAKEOVERS, BOTH SUCCESSFUL AND UNSUCCESSFUL, CHRONICLED ON THIS WEBSITE, ARE ALL TOO REAL! CRIMINAL LEADERS AND THEIR CRIMINAL CULTURES RELENTLESSLY PURSUE TERRITORY, WEALTH, AND POLITICAL AND OTHER FORMS OF POWER, AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR VICTIMS! THEY USE BOTH LEGAL AND ILLEGAL MEANS TO DO SO! THE ENDURING CONFLICT BETWEEN "CRIMINAL" AND "NON-CRIMINAL" MIND ACCOUNTS FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE, AND THE CONTENTS OF THIS ENTIRE WEBSITE! PLEASE READ THIS WEBSITE COMPLETELY! AFTER THIRTEEN YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT SINCE DECEMBER 2, 2011, THIS WEBSITE IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE. IF YOU WISH TO DOWNLOAD FINAL COPIES, YOU MAY DO SO NOW. I WILL MAINTAIN THIS WEBSITE HERE IN ITS COMPLETED FORM FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. I AM 78 YEARS OLD, AND IN FAILING HEALTH: 42 YEARS OF PHYSICAL AND MENTAL TRAUMA RESULTING FROM CONTINUOUS VICTIMIZATION, HAVE TAKEN THEIR TOLL! SURROUNDED BY THE FELONS, I AM UNABLE TO GET AWAY FROM THEM! THE SEVERE PHYSICAL INJURIES INFLICTED BY THE FELONS, SEVERAL OF WHICH REQUIRED HOSPITALIZATION, REINFORCED BY SERIOUS HARASSMENT AND OTHER CRIMES, HAVE RUINED MY HEALTH, AND SHORTENED MY LIFESPAN! STRESS IS OFTEN CALLED, "THE SILENT KILLER"! NOTE THE CRIMINALS' MANY OTHER ATTEMPTS UPON MY LIFE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ASSAULTS WITH DEADLY WEAPONS! FOR 42 YEARS, THE FELONS HAVE MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL, DELIBERATELY ATTEMPTING TO "BRING ME DOWN" BY SO DOING! "YOU FOUGHT VALIANTLY!": AS STATED BY AN AMERICAN OF INDIAN DESCENT, WORKING AT RADIO SHACK, CENTRAL AVENUE, JERSEY CITY, NJ, SPEAKING TO MYSELF. The criminals have stated, "You don't know the SPANISH! We can be TERRIBLE!", "You had a PERFECT body! We RUINED it!", "We'll RUIN everything we find out about!", "We turned you into an OLD MAN!" (and old men die!), "He's an OLD MAN! How long can he last?", "Now hit that OLD MAN with your truck!", and, "You don't know Puerto Ricans! You're as good as DEAD!". While residents at Muhlenberg Gardens have insisted, "We want to kill a WHITE man before we die!", a Puerto Rican criminal at Hoboken Terminal stated, "We'd do it to ALL of them, if we could get our hands on them!". "Our strength is that WE DON'T CARE!" is a statement typically characteristic of the felons, indicating a total disregard for those having conscience! THE FELONS PROGRESSIVELY OCCUPYING THIS ENTIRE AREA IN PURSUIT OF ITS WEALTH, ARE EXPERIENCED, DANGEROUS CRIMINALS, WHO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING! THEY COOPERATE WITH EACH OTHER IN ENORMOUS NUMBERS TO ENJOY VICTIMIZING OTHERS RAISED TO HAVE CONSCIENCE WITH SERIOUS CRIMES! THE FELONS DO NOT CARE THAT IT IS BOTH ILLEGAL, AND IMMORAL TO DO SO! THESE HOMICIDAL PSYCHOS BELONG TO A DEPRAVED CRIMINAL CULTURE! LACKING CONSCIENCE, THEY SHOW NO RESPECT FOR OTHER INDIVIDUALS' RIGHTS OR WELL-BEING! See "OBSERVATION OF SPECIES", under "about". See "THE SIMPLE DYNAMICS OF THIS TAKEOVER", the next-to-last item under "home". See "ANONYMITY IN NUMBERS - THE PROBLEM WITH MAKING ARRESTS", the last item under "home". Please download and read this entire website! FIRMS WISHING TO PUBLISH THIS SITE IN BOOK FORM BECAUSE OF ITS POPULARITY, CAN MAKE A PROFIT BY SO DOING: See "copying and publication rights", under "contact". THIS WEBSITE POSTULATES THAT THE ESSENTIAL PROBLEM FACING HUMANS IN CIVILIZATION IS CRIMINAL MIND: IF THIS IDEA SEEMS DOUBTFUL TO YOU, PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE SITE PRIOR TO PASSING JUDGEMENT UPON IT! TO UNDERSTAND THE UNIQUE DIFFERENCES IN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION BETWEEN "CRIMINAL" AND "NON-CRIMINAL" MIND, WHICH RESULT IN DISTINCT, CHARACTERISTIC BEHAVIOR PATTERNS IN EACH OF THE TWO SEPARATE "SPECIES", SEE "VIOLATING THE FREUDIAN MODEL", "OBSERVATION OF SPECIES", "DARWIN - FREUD - PIAGET", "ABSENT MIND - A PIECE IS MISSING", "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", UNDER "ABOUT"; AND "STAGES OF MIND", UNDER "CONTACT". FOR A VIABLE LONG-TERM SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM CAUSED BY DONALD TRUMP, HIS LOYALIST SUPPORTERS IN CONGRESS, AND HIS CONSERVATIVE APPOINTEES TO THE SUPREME COURT, SEE "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about"! DONALD J. TRUMP PRAISES ADOLPH HITLER, AND IS BLAMING THE HOLOCAUST ON WINSTON CHURCHILL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE! AS OF OCTOBER 26, 2024, political polls in The United States indicate a very close race between Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris! The fact that Donald J. Trump is a convicted felon to whom the Supreme Court has given "absolute immunity" from prosecution should he decide to commit "official" crimes when once again in office, obviously has had little or no affect upon the minds of more than 77 million voters, which suggests either the prevalence of an astonishing number of "criminal" minds in the United States electorate, or else that substantial numbers of those voters are being deceived by the false claims and insidious rhetoric of "criminal" candidates! CONSIDER what a very close race between ADOLPH HITLER and POPE FRANCIS would suggest about the nature of the population voting! Note that German voters in 1933 overwhelmingly elected Adolph Hitler Chancellor of The Weimar Republic! A majority of Russian voters have elected and re-elected their fascist "criminal" dictator of The Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin, no less than six times! THE UNITED STATES ITSELF is not exempt from "criminal" takeovers! One such rebellion in 1861 resulted in The War Between The States! Another such takeover already occurred and failed on January 6, 2021! DONALD J. TRUMP and his supporters have threatened to incite a second violent uprising if they lose the 2024 Presidential Election! INCREDIBLY, on October 29, 2024, DONALD TRUMP has claimed that in a key "battleground" state there have been 200,000 more early votes cast than there are registered voters in that state! DONALD TRUMP also avoided a second debate with KAMALA HARRIS, and attorneys for Trump have already filed actions in courts alleging fraudulent election procedures! Ballot boxes containing write in votes have been set on fire in two different states! Donald Trump is preparing to contest a possible loss of the 2024 Presidential Election, again claiming "election fraud", in an effort to justify a second armed insurrection against the United States Government should he be defeated at the polls! See esp. the sections "THE STATISTICS", "CAUSING A WAR", and "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home"; "FORCE and FINESSE", and "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about"; and "AN INSANE SOCIETY", and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact", for more inclusive information concerning the above, and other "criminal" takeovers. See the *** footnote to "KILLING HITLER BEFORE LUNCH", under "home". FIGHTING THE ACTIONS OF THOSE HAVING CRIMINAL MINDS, AND MITIGATING THE DAMAGE WHICH THEY CAUSE, IS CONSUMING ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF MONEY AND OTHER RESOURCES! IT IS THE SINGLE MOST COSTLY PROBLEM ON EARTH! SINCE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN'S ILLEGAL WAR WITH UKRAINE BEGAN IN FEBRUARY, 2022, THE UNITED STATES HAS GIVEN $62 BILLION IN SECURITY ASSISTANCE TO SUPPORT UKRAINE'S VALIANT FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM! THE MOST RECENT PACKAGE OF AID TO UKRAINE IS FOR $988 MILLION! WHEREAS HUMAN EXTINCTION MAY ULTIMATELY RESULT FROM MILITARY AGGRESSION BY CRIMINALS, WIDESPREAD VIOLENCE ON THEIR PART IS PRESENTLY CAUSING A DECLINE OF CIVILIZATION! See esp. "TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES", under "home"; "FALLING ON YOUR SWORDS TOGETHER - THE MATHEMATICS OF THE EXTINCTION PROBLEM", under "about"; and THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, in "bibliography and notes", under "contact". See "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home"; and "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about". BEFORE doing additional reading, see the **** footnote to "variation in species", under "contact", for information about GLOBAL WARMING as being likely to result in HUMAN EXTINCTION! Donald J. Trump will ignore the perils of global warming: he intends to withdraw the United States from climate accords, and to burn fossil fuels! THE CRITICAL FACTOR in each of the above disaster scenarios is severe damage to Man's environment, including CIVILIZATION and the GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM! Political, military, legal, and scientific experts are taking these threats to Mankind's well-being and survival very seriously! Please read "home", "about", "contact", and "ABOUT ME", under "home", prior to reading more sections. See also "FORCED APPEARANCES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA", "EFFORTS TO ESTABLISH AND LEGITIMIZE A SOCIETY OF CRIMINAL MIND", and "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home"; and "AN INSANE SOCIETY", and "apes and humans", under "contact". See esp. "THE STATISTICS", and "PUTTING THEM IN PRISON", under "home"; and "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about". If you are among those downloading this website, see "prologue", under "home". Substantial amounts of information have been added to this site since its initial publication on December 2, 2011. This website has been a "work in progress" substantially completed after more than thirteen years! Note the felons' statements, "We're not going to turn you into an INVOLUTIONAL PSYCHOTIC!", and, "We'll get that WEBSITE!": While constant harassment and "crazy" behavior on the part of the criminals wherever I go, and attempts to manipulate me onto psychiatric wards, by illegal commitments or coercion to sign "voluntary" admission forms, prove their intent to derange my mind, the felons have likewise tampered with the text of this website so as to ruin it! They have also tried to force or coerce me into removing it from the internet myself! Millions of thugs are attempting to conceal a massive conspiracy! The felons are not only criminals, they are also irrational! They refuse to heed warnings from normal people about consequences for their behavior! They demand my arrest and false imprisonment by law enforcement officials, while they commit numerous crimes which are allowed to go unpunished by those same officials! The criminals are responsible for many failed commitment attempts, while the felons themselves often exhibit crazy ideas and dysfunctional behavior! The felons are unable to behave normally, and to abstain from their criminal activity, which occurs constantly! They want their crimes blamed upon myself, and often seek to incriminate me by making false accusations to police and other government officials! They seek to justify their 42 year insane persecution of an innocent victim, and claim a right to punish me for the publication of this site, which in point of fact reveals the nature of both criminals and criminal cultures to the entire world! The felons have attempted to justify further criminal behavior on their part, by blaming me for the publication of this website! All of their crimes are documented on this site! And they have been enlisting the aid of outsiders who are as mentally abnormal as themselves, in attempts to "bring me down", and to destroy this site! See "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", under "about"; "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last item under "about"; and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact". The felons see me as being someone who is surrounded by them, unable to leave this area, and thus conveniently available as yet another white victim having conscience, to be completely destroyed and violently murdered or tortured to death, so as to give these felons their depraved "satisfaction", while they themselves avoid consequences for their behavior, and attempt to conceal their crimes from people living everywhere else! I have need of an electric scooter for mobility purposes, and have been kept waiting for one for several months, during which time I have been unable to keep appointments with four different physicians, whose offices are at a considerable distance from my home, without the scooter to enable medical transportation! I am without testosterone gel, and am almost out of medications enabling waste removal! Unable to have my eyes injected with medication treating wet-AMD, my right eye is now beginning to go blind! The vision has deteriorated and darkened, and there are several blind spots with no vision at all! See "UPON MY BEING MAIMED", under "home". Attempting to confuse me, Puerto Rican felons have insisted, "You're not a gay!", "That's not murder!", "You're a peace-loving man!", and, "You weren't hurt!", after forcibly brainwashing and sodomizing me, and repeatedly attempting to kill me, by inflicting head trauma and other severe injuries, using physical attacks, including assaults with lethal weapons, constant distraction, and other means to do so! Deliberately forcing me to hear false, misleading statements is part of the felons' brainwashing technique! They are attempting to confuse, preoccupy, and fill my mind with false ideas! "Don't turn him into a HOMOSEXUAL! They won't put up with it!" -as stated by a Puerto Rican cop to other Puerto Ricans in front of the North District Police Precinct, located on Central Avenue, Jersey City, NJ. Those police were always in Kenneth Wessler's office. They told me that they didn't know where Muhlenberg Gardens is located! "We thought this would be EASY! This ISN'T! Look at the way that man BOXES! We could NEVER bring him down on the street!" -as stated by Doris Wessler, mother of the former Manager of Muhlenberg Gardens, Kenneth Wessler, when Doris was employed as Service Coordinator at Muhlenberg Gardens. See "FORCED APPEARANCES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA", "THEIR SATISFACTION AS SADISM", "ON COMPLIANCE AND RESISTANCE", "SPILLING BLOOD WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES", and "STAR-SPANGLED MURDER", under "home"; and "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", under "about". The opening paragraphs, in parentheses, of "SERVER BLOCK", under "contact", describe 2 recent examples (March, 2018) of criminal alteration of the contents of this site, and other instances of deliberate tampering with information. The felons have repeatedly stated, "We'll get that WEBSITE!". As of May, 2020, the sabotage continues! On Dec. 14, 2020, the felons threatened me with illegal reprisals if I do not apologize to them, remove this website from the internet, and publish a retraction! They constantly speak of this website wherever I go in this area! They are both arrogant and stupid! This site is effective, and the felons cannot remove it by themselves. Note the observation made in other sections of this site, that criminals often require the cooperation of their victims to enable their crimes to work! See "HOW TO SLAY A DRAGON", and "ON COMPLIANCE AND RESISTANCE", under "home". On December 13, 2022, I discovered and corrected typographical errors deliberately inserted into the section titled "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home". See "SERVER BLOCK", under "contact", for details of numerous instances of deliberate changes made by the criminals intended to ruin this site. Please download this website! This website was last revised and updated on December 21, 2024. As I recall additional statements made by the criminals, and the details of incidents caused by them, I include that information on this site. New crimes are described on this site soon after they have taken place. My website editor was disabled from Aug. 19, 2021, until May 12, 2022. I was unable to edit the text during those 9 months. Following May 15, 2022, the editor and statistical package were again disabled for four months and two weeks, until Sept. 27, 2022. My opinion of DONALD J. TRUMP and VLADIMIR PUTIN has drastically changed since Trump's gang of thugs assaulted the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and Putin's army of war criminals invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022: See "KILLING HITLER BEFORE LUNCH", "HOW I SPOT MY MIND", and "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home"; and "FORCE and FINESSE", and "FALLING ON YOUR SWORDS TOGETHER - THE MATHEMATICS OF THE EXTINCTION PROBLEM", under "about". See "about" for information on my apartment having been robbed and ransacked in early March, 2021. My internet connection was torn apart. If I hadn't called for a technician, who restored both the equipment and connection, this website would have been terminated by WebStarts, for non-payment of a necessary monthly fee. The efforts by the criminals to victimize me in various ways continue! And, once again, nothing is done to punish their crimes! They are free to victimize innocent people in this geographical area! Please download this website, and stay away from their criminal takeover! Puerto Ricans will attempt to blame "old people" at Muhlenberg Gardens for all of these crimes! They have victimized me everywhere I went in this area for more than 42 years, cooperating together to do so! Millions of felons are not "crazy old ladies"! Kenneth Wessler was employed as Manager of Muhlenberg Gardens by the new Board of Directors when he orchestrated grand larceny, in early March, 2021. That new board is legally responsible for his actions, and the actions of those he directed! Residents are presently attempting to force me out of my apartment using harassment to do so, as of April 4, 2023. I see all of these people taking everything from me, even my life, with their insane, alien belief that they are justified in so doing, and that it all belongs to them! See "about"; and "ATTEMPTS", and "more info on cops", under "about". Kenneth Wessler was at Bond Drug yesterday, February 22, 2024, quietly discussing with an employee at Bond efforts by Bond Drug to "bring me down" by tampering with refills and deliveries of necessary prescriptions, thus making me ill, and forcing me out of my home, and onto Christ Hospital's psychiatric ward! I have severe health problems being treated with essential medications! Wessler and other psychos in this area have been determined to do harm to myself, by using anything which they think might work! They are attempting to use a diagnosis of schizophrenia! My disease has been in remission for years! Millions of these thugs are "criminally insane", without being impaired by their illness, which is the only explanation for their actions which makes sense! Being members of a "criminal" culture, they cannot behave otherwise! They act as if their aberrant criminal behavior is completely normal for themselves! Lacking conscience, they are proud of their crimes, rather than being ashamed of them! They often state, "Our strength is that WE DON'T CARE!", and, "We'll find a WEAKNESS!". They also state, "We're not going to STOP!". They cannot stop! They are a distinct "species" of mind! See "SEVERE DAMAGE", and "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about"; "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact"; and the relevant sections describing the criminals' many failed commitment attempts! See "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home"; "LOOSE ENDS", under "about"; and "medications", under "contact", for more detailed information about Bond Drug's deliberate failure to refill and deliver essential medications, including AndroGel, Amitiza, Trelegy, Olanzapine, Montelukast, and Linzess, claiming either that there are no refills, or that prescriptions were filled and delivered which I had never received, while cab companies and medical transportation firms operated by Puerto Ricans have failed to transport me to necessary appointments with doctors! When I had mailed a recent prescription for a wheelchair obtained from my primary care provider to a surgical supply store, the personnel there claimed that they never received the letter, which was properly addressed, with adequate postage and my return address label on the envelope! Bond Drug is a licensed pharmacy! Registered pharmacists are unaware of medical conditions being treated with medications, or how serious those problems are in a 78-year-old patient using 20 medications per day? Once the medical problems are allowed to worsen due to lack of treatment, the damage caused is irreversible! And the other criminals don't know the importance of visits to doctors, or my need for a wheelchair? On July 11, 2024 I will be 78 years of age! Note my obseration that Puerto Ricans and those helping them use their numbers, job postions, and the law itself to help each other to victimize innocent people with serious crimes! If left untreated, wet-AMD, solid and liquid waste elimination problems, low testosterone levels, chronic bronchitis, asthma, high blood pressure, an irregular heart rhythm, and ischemic heart disease (coronary artery disease), will damage my body, and possibly result in blindness, and death due to heart and respiratory failure! There is no sane reason for me to be publicly victimized and murdered! These millions of felons are criminally insane! I have scheduled visits to several of my doctors for the first three Fridays of May, 2024, and will need refills of necessary medications before then! I have retained containers and labels proving that Bond Drug is tampering with refills and deliveries of medications as prescribed by my doctors! On May 18, 2024, I showed three of the containers with labels altered with an ink pen to a pharmacist at Bond Drug. I intend to continue to report felons and their crimes to the FBI in Newark, NJ, and to my worldwide readership! This situation is persistent, and poses a threat of serious or fatal damage to myself! The FBI has already been notified of the other crimes described on this site! See "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about", for details of illegal attempts made for years by local government officials, and by the FBI and other United States Government agencies to silence myself, and to conceal the implications of this enormous conspiracy from people everywhere else! See "POLITICS", and "OBAMA THE CRIMINAL", under "contact". I have assumed that there are persons and groups throughout the world who will neither countenance nor approve of the actions of the criminal culture occupying this geographical area, or of criminal cultures in general! This website cannot be legally removed by the criminals, which explains their persistent efforts to either force or coerce me into removing this site myself, and into signing "voluntary" admission papers to local psychiatric wards! Efforts by the felons to cause mental illness on my part continue! Note their frequent statements indicating criminal intent, including, "We'll find a WEAKNESS!", "You're not a SCHIZOPHRENIC!", and, "We're not going to turn you into an INVOLUTIONAL PSYCHOTIC!", as well as their many failed attempts at forcible commitment (i.e. false imprisonment, the legal equivalent of kidnapping, which carries a 15 year prison term upon conviction!). See "ABOUT ME", under "home"; "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about"; and "WRONG IDEAS", under "contact". The residents at Muhlenberg Gardens use Bond Drug! The felons in this area have been following a consistent pattern of aggravated harassment and reckless endangerment for years! They cannot manage to behave normally! These criminals are using their enormous numbers, their job positions, and the law itself to commit serious crimes, while avoiding any form of punishment or disclosure! Obtaining my signature on "voluntary" admission forms would make their many commitment attempts look justified! As of April 27, 2024, this site was accessed during the past 10 days by 20 visitors from Singapore, by visitors from Greenock, Scotland; from the National Capital Territory of Delhi, India; from China; and from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as well as from locations within the USA such as Texas, Washington State, Ohio, and Virginia, numerous visits originating from Houston, Texas; Columbus, Ohio; and Boydton, Virginia. From April 18 to May 18 there were 60 visitors from Singapore! More such visitors have accessed this website since then! From July 12 to August 12, 2024, 95 additional visitors from Singapore accessed this site! On June 1, 2024, an item appearing on the internet reported President Volodymyrr Zelenskyy of Ukraine as attending a conference of defense chiefs of Asia-Pacific sovereign nations in Singapore, to urge additional diplomatic efforts, and aid for his beleaguered Republic of Ukraine! The G7 Summit meeting in Italy will reportedly loan Ukraine $50 Billion out of interest on Russian assets frozen after Putin's invasion of Ukraine! Numerous visits to this site from Singapore are consistent with these announcements! See other sections of this website for more detailed information about Ukraine's valiant fight against Russian aggression! On July 21, 2024 visitors from cities and towns throughout The Federal Republic of Germany accessed this website! There were 19 subsequent visits from Faulkenstein, Saxony, Germany; and one from Nuremberg, Germany! The contents of this site are proving to be of interest not only to governments and universities, but also to ordinary citizens worldwide! NATO member states, nations in The Middle East, and countries located throughout the world have been accessing and downloading this site for nearly 13 years! Many such sovereign nations have placed this website on their own computer networks. Almost all of them send ambassadors to the United Nations in New York City. GOVERNMENTS, universities, and people everywhere on Earth have gained important new insights into the nature of "criminal" leaders, "criminal" cultures, and "criminal" minds, and the evolution of distinct "species" of mind in humans by reading this site! Efforts by the local felons intended to harm, kill, or confine myself, and to suppress this website and its information from a worldwide audience continue! THIS WEBSITE has accurately predicted the likely occurence of certain events on a worldwide basis, which events have subequently happened! All "criminal" minds must behave in ways characteristic of their distinct mental "species": this includes all "criminal" leaders of governments, and members of their respective "criminal" cultures, who consistently act in a similar manner! History repeats itself because of this fact! The "criminal" problem is perennial! It never stops happening! It must be opposed! The more power criminals obtain, the more harm they do to innocent victims! See "OBSERVATION OF SPECIES", under "about". See "WEBSITE AUDIENCE", under "home". See "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home". See "FORCE and FINESSE", under "about". "We're not going to cause a heart attack or a stroke", and, "You don't know PUERTO RICANS! You're as good as DEAD!", are frequent claims made by the felons! A Muhlenberg Gardens resident psycho conspirator maintained, "If they give him (psychiatric) medication, we can KILL him! We'll get that WEBSITE!", while a female Puerto Rican felon patronizing a restaurant on Central Avenue, Jersey City, NJ stated, "We should have KILLED him when we had the chance!". Another felon on Central Avenue said, "If he won't come over to us, he has to be KILLED!". Criminals employed at Crunch gym at Lafayette Street, in New York City, NY conspired together to commit or kill me, to help the felons at Muhlenberg Gardens in Jersey City! The black female employee whom the criminals attempted to persuade into helping them, repeatedly replied, "That's not a reason to KILL him!". Note the crimes, witnesses, and evidence detailed on this site, and the many statements made by the felons themselves listed in quotes! Puerto Rican felons often call themselves "crazy Puerto Ricans", a false insanity defense intended to excuse their behavior, which actually indicates that they'll say or do anything to get their own way, no matter how low, vile, or sick it all is! Totally lacking conscience, they are raised to cooperate together to commit successful crimes! They are unabashed pathological liars! The criminals here have victimized myself and others in many different ways for more than 42 years to my knowledge. The damage being done is cumulative. The criminals began to colonize the Jersey City Heights in the early 1980's. They have occupied areas in and around The City of New York, in pursuit of territory, wealth, and political and other forms of power, both for themselves, and for those helping them. They force decent residents to leave, victimizing the few who remain in other ways. Their crimes are constant, and never cease. Fully-developed "criminal" mind is a distinct "species" of mind, and as such cannot change. It sustains itself by victimizing decent people. The criminals will only reveal themselves to their victims, and to others, when they consider it safe to do so. When sufficiently empowered, they act openly. They attacked me everywhere I went in Manhattan for years, without consequences. They did not expect this website to be successful. They will commit any crime which they think will succeed, and not result in punishment. I want you to see these criminals as I do, so that you will understand felons as having a distinct, separate species of human mind. The inclusion of complete, detailed information on this site, proven both by witnesses and with evidence, is intended to accomplish this. You will recognize how completely different criminal thought processes are from those of normal people such as yourselves. Enjoy reading this website! You will be well rewarded for your time and effort! JERSEY CITY AND NEW YORK CITY POLICE AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS REFUSE TO ACT! Details and evidence for extensive criminal activity, victimizing myself and others, was placed in their hands! Evidence for conspiracy, attempted murder, false arrest, false imprisonment, assault, robbery, grand larceny, sex crimes which included the forcible brainwashing, rape, and sodomizing of a disabled individual, and lesser crimes was ignored! Both the previous and present Board of Directors, the management and employees, and many residents of Muhlenberg Gardens are responsible for the crime spree! The crimes involve not only lease violations, but also numerous violations of local, state, and federal criminal statutes, and include violations of my civil rights! PUERTO RICAN RESIDENTS at MUHLENBERG GARDENS, and the other criminals helping them, have nice homes. Many of them have good jobs. There are new cars in the parking lot. These felons are after everything the rest of us have! And it's the same way everywhere in The New York Metropolitan Area! See "THE ECONOMICS", and "ECONOMICS FAVORABLE TO CRIMINALS", under "home". LETTERS AND RECEIPTS from the White House, HUD, the FBI, Senator Orrin Hatch, and the Republican National Committee, prove that the U.S. Government knows. A letter from Cynthia Deitle, asking me to speak with FBI agents in Newark, NJ, specifically mentions President Barack Obama, and the FBI Director. Ms. Deitle is the FBI's Civil Rights Chief. Ms. Deitle stated that she did not understand what was being alleged! A highly placed FBI official could not understand a complaint describing serious crimes, copies of official documents proving those crimes being included? MS. DEITLE and the FBI Director understood my allegations, and the evidence proving them! The FBI was attempting to collect more information, in order to decide how to proceed! At some point, The United States Government under President Barack Obama (Democrat), decided to solve this potentially enormous problem by further victimization of myself! MORE THAN 120 PAGES of detailed information and evidence were mailed to these people, as well as to local officials and the two city police departments. The statements made by FBI agents at their Newark headquarters, indicated an opinion of me on their part, as being someone whom they did not have to help. Remarks passed by an agent there, proved knowledge on his part of my college transcripts. THE FBI HAD EXAMINED copies of my university transcripts, but had failed to note bills to Medicaid in U.S. Government computers, for psychiatric exams made necessary by so many failed commitment attempts, and similar bills for the treatment of an excessive number of severe injuries, despite the details of such victimizations being included in my complaints? THE FBI AND OTHER U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES have been monitoring my activity on the internet for years, and reading this website in an attempt to incriminate myself, but they don't know what's been happening? And they are unable to fulfill their oaths of office, and to help a man being severely victimized by criminals? There are no laws prohibiting conspiracy and serious violations of my civil rights? HAD UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS intervened, as is required by law, and by their oaths of office, a major scandal would have come to light publicly, possibly damaging the economy of The New York Metropolitan Area! VISITS TO THIS SITE made by people working for the President of the United States, were indicated on a statistical package with which I monitor this website. See "WEBSITE AUDIENCE", "U.S. ATTORNEYS", and "TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES", under "home"; "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", and "CRIMES OF OMISSION", under "about"; "POLITICS", "GOON SQUAD", and "OBAMA THE CRIMINAL", under "contact"; and other relevant sections. DESPITE NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS to local and United States Government officials and agencies, there have been no arrests, no prosecutions, and no publicity for serious crimes spanning more than 42 years in The New York Metropolitan Area! The felons are exercising an economic and political chokehold over this region of The United States, hiding their takeover, their criminal methods, and their criminal culture from people everywhere else, while victimizing decent individuals who remain here! See "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last item under "about". I HAVE NO OBJECTION to territory, wealth, and political and other forms of power being in the right hands. I object strenuously to their being in the hands of a criminal culture! What was done to myself and other victims could have been dealt with honestly and correctly, as is required by law. Instead, U.S. Government officials and others decided to handle it all in a criminal manner! These and other allegations, proven both by witnesses, and with substantial amounts of evidence, including official documents, are matters about which the American people have a right to be informed! THIS WEBSITE HARMS a criminal culture. The felons involved DESERVE to be hurt: they victimize the rest of us so as to obtain resources. Every dollar they steal, is one less dollar in the hands of decent people. And literally TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars per year are at stake! EXPOSING a criminal culture publicly, to my fellow citizens, and to decent people throughout the world, is a duty incumbent upon me as a citizen of these United States. NOT SO DOING would aid and abet criminal activity! See "THE SIMPLE DYNAMICS OF THIS TAKEOVER", the next-to-last item under "home". I ESTIMATE my own monetary losses due to crimes committed by Puerto Rican felons, and those helping them, at between $30,000.00 to $40,000.00. The criminals are also intent upon defrauding me of my home and lease, worth more than $30,000.00 per year in HUD-subsidized rent! NOTE that the felons sought to obtain my home at 64 Irving Street, and subsequently my apartment at Muhlenberg Gardens, attempting to use various laws and criminal techniques to make the thefts look legal. The house on Irving Street sold at "market value", the lowest possible price! MUHLENBERG GARDENS is almost completely occupied by Puerto Ricans, who obtain apartments at 55 years of age, and can live to 85 years of age or older. This represents nearly $1,000,000.00 in free rent for my apartment over 30 years time! The building's waiting list is filled with Puerto Rican applicants. The criminals' persistent victimization of myself has theft of these resources as a primary motive. $1,000,000.00 in free rent is a considerable amount of money, which the criminals are attempting to obtain for members of their criminal culture! The felons frequently state, "If you don't like it, LEAVE!", which would make my apartment and lease available to one of them! MANY OF THE FELONS' "crazy" statements and behaviors detailed on this website, are deliberate attempts by thieves and murderers to hide their actual motives: these millions of criminals are in collective pursuit of resources! The felons' takeover is insidious, deliberate, and organized! They cooperate together to victimize me wherever I go! The conspirators are progressively occupying and seizing control of this area! "It HAS to work! It ALWAYS does!" "Someone else could use that apartment!" "We'll get that apartment, and everything in it!" "You don't know the SPANISH! We can be TERRIBLE!" "You don't know PUERTO RICANS! You're as good as DEAD!" "You're our BLOODSPORT!" "We'll get that WEBSITE!" -Puerto Rican felons to myself. RECENT STATEMENTS made by criminals attempting to deny their crimes include, "That's not murder!", "You weren't hurt!", "You're not a gay!", and "We didn't do it!". The worldwide popularity of this website is now known to them, and has affected their thinking and behavior! KKR, July 15, 2023. AT 10:53 PM, ON THE EVENING OF FEBRUARY 28, 2023, I overheard the following conversation between two conspirators in apartments near my own, at Muhlenberg Gardens. The two felons thought that I was asleep: "I don't care how many people know about this! He published that G#dd#mned website! We're all in here, and we can't get out!". "So what do you think you're going to do? Drive him crazy, and have him put away? Then what happens?" "What will the FBI do? They never do anything!". See "SEVERE DAMAGE", under "about", for the felons inflicting harm, which was followed by an illegal commitment to Meadowview Hospital's Acute Psychiatric Unit! The criminals obtained a court order! See other sections for more brainwashing and medical damage, followed by false arrest and commitment attempts (i.e. attempts at false imprisonment, which is the legal equivalent of kidnapping!). No police reports exist for assault with a deadly weapon, assault with a chemical stream, assault with a glass bottle, and grand larceny! The local North District Police Precinct on Central Avenue in Jersey City, mostly Puerto Ricans, are consistently aiding and abetting serious crimes committed by other Puerto Ricans! THE CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR of Puerto Ricans and other felons at Muhlenberg Gardens, and at so many other locations, is knowing and deliberate! They are criminals, not "crazy old ladies"! They are certain that the authorities will not intervene! ON MARCH 3, 2023, AT 12:35 PM, one felon stated to another: "I told you not to talk about that G#dd#mned arm in here!". See the information below about my arm. The felons' own statements indicate that they admit responsibility for doing all of this! The bizarre nature of this entire persecution cannot be explained otherwise! See "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", and "CRIMINAL INSANITY versus LEGAL INSANITY", under "about"; and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact". See "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home". THESE PUERTO RICAN felons and other criminals helping them, have attempted to murder me, while committing many other crimes, so as to obtain my home at 64 Irving Street, and my apartment at Muhlenberg Gardens for themselves! They are forcing decent residents to leave this area, abandoning their homes and jobs to a criminal occupation! The felons seek to control as much of this area as possible, so as to obtain the wealth flowing into it from other locations! Bear this in mind when reading this website! New York City alone received 65 million visitors in 2018, at a net profit of 44 billion dollars! The numbers have declined since then. "Now you know what WE'RE all COMPETING for! That's why YOU'RE not getting a JOB!" -a Puerto Rican felon at Hoboken Terminal, Hoboken, NJ, on his way with other such felons to their jobs in New York City via PATH, speaking to myself! OFFICIALS OF NEW YORK CITY, NY, Hudson County, NJ, and Jersey City, NJ, the locations where criminal activity victimizing both myself and others has been occurring for more than 42 years, have placed advertising on television and in other media, aimed at promoting investment and tourism here. A PROPOSAL TO BUILD and license a gambling casino at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, intended to lure investors and tourists to this area, was defeated several years ago. See "THE ECONOMICS", and "ECONOMICS FAVORABLE TO CRIMINALS", under "home". THE PREVALENT CONCEPT of takeovers deliberately engineered by members of criminal cultures explains most of the crimes described on this website! Such cultures, and their "leaders", pursue territory, wealth, and political and other forms of power, at the expense of their innocent, "non-criminal" victims, who are forced to fight back in self-defense! The cultures include terrorist groups, and para-military organizations such as the "Oath Keepers" and the "Proud Boys", many of whom have military training, and some of whom are law enforcement officials! These groups are motivated and misled by criminal leaders espousing false conspiracy theories! Witness the apparently absurd, "unhinged" behavior of Donald J. Trump and his criminal cohorts! See "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", and "ON TERRORISTS AND THERAPISTS", under "home"; and "FORCE and FINESSE", and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last item under "about". MEMBERS OF AN INSIDIOUS CRIMINAL CULTURE are progressively occupying one of the most important areas of The United States, in an effort to control and dominate a large part of America's economy for their own use! They employ criminal methods to exclude those who aren't criminals from participation in that economy! The felons are seeking territory, wealth, and political and other forms of power! See esp. "EFFORTS TO ESTABLISH AND LEGITIMIZE A SOCIETY OF CRIMINAL MIND", and "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home"; and "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", the next-to-last item under "about". THE RAPID ACCESSING of 13 sections of this website, in 30 seconds, by a computer in Ashburn, Virginia, an upscale community minutes from Washington, D.C., housing government officials, indicates United States Government involvement. As of March, 2016, a visitor accessed the site from Herndon, Virginia, another such community near Washington, D.C. To date, however, the FBI, and the U.S. Department of Justice, of which the FBI is a part, have allowed, and thus enabled, most of the criminal activity harming me to continue. Three complaints filed with three U.S. Attorneys, whose combined jurisdictions include The Federal District of New Jersey, and New York City, also elicited no response. This website was included as being an integral part of those complaints. See "U.S. ATTORNEYS", under "home". THERE IS NO MENTION of this situation on television, on radio, in newspapers, in magazines, on the wire services, or on other newsmedia services on the internet. There is a conspiracy of silence, which does not prevent people from finding, downloading, and reading this website. The public has a right to know! Those in control of the government and the media, are maintaining silence and avoiding any publicity: THIS IS because of the mistakenly perceived economic importance of New York City and the surrounding area (the wealth could be relocated elsewhere, and removed from the hands of the criminals exposed on this website); because of the political importance of the local population as a large Democratic voting block; and because of the nature, and enormity, of the scandal (see "THE STATISTICS", under "home"). I recovered from mental illness substantially when young (see "ABOUT ME", under "home"), and from paralyzed arms, more recently. I have high blood pressure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, an ischemic heart problem, neurological problems, wet-Advanced Macular Degeneration, Diverticulosis, hypogonadism, partial deafness, and peripheral vascular disease. I have been subjected to head trauma, a stroke, and symptoms of two heart attacks. I am 77 years old. I am on 19 different medications: 15 are prescription drugs, 4 are "over-the-counter". I am under treatment by 5 physicians, each a specialist in a different branch of medicine. The criminals at Muhlenberg Gardens have caused the occurrence of wet-AMD, i.e. wet-Advanced Macular Degeneration, which always results in blindness, by elevating my blood pressure through harassment, and by causing my eyes to ache, from shouting at them to stop their verbal assaults; at the Jersey City Medical Center, which I entered with symptoms of heart failure, staff and patients harassed me until I had symptoms of a heart attack; the felons at Muhlenberg Gardens are attempting to cause a reoccurrence of the paralysis of my arms inflicted at Christ Hospital, Jersey City, NJ, by forcing me to shout at them, which strains my neck, putting pressure on two damaged nerve roots, which caused the problem: See "SEVERE DAMAGE", under "about". The shouting also strains my lungs, which are damaged by COPD. "You had a PERFECT body! We RUINED it!" -a Puerto Rican resident at Muhlenberg Gardens, to myself. The criminals claim to be "leaving (their) bodies" to insert objects into my rectum, so as to damage my reproductive system, and my prostate, to cause an intestinal blockage, and to cause colorectal cancer. Their crazy talk and behavior have been constant, wherever I am, and while I am travelling, in this geographical area. One of two Puerto Ricans, on an MTA "A" subway train pulling into Manhattan from Brooklyn, in NYC, said to me, "We're not going to give you colorectal cancer!". The criminals at Muhlenberg Gardens often state, "We're not going to stop shoving things up your ass!". I have Diverticulosis, a serious intestinal disease. Puerto Ricans harassing me extensively in New York City, told witnesses that they were merely "playing" with a "mental defective". Large numbers of onlookers soon became aware that I was being murdered! Evidence exists for numerous murder attempts, including those involving weapons. I was severely injured several times. The assumption that the felons are merely attempting to affect the mind of a severely disabled person, is inconsistent with proven facts about myself, with existing evidence proving attacks, and with certain unexplained results of medical tests and diagnoses: ******As of today, June 11, 2015, I have been unable to eliminate solid waste for 5 days. This is usually symptomatic of an intestinal blockage. I will go to Christ Hospital's emergency room. I now have a severe colorectal problem. Once again, threats being made by the criminals have come true. For other such "coincidences" (?), see "LOOSE ENDS", under about. Subsequent results of a catscan of my abdomen and pelvis, showed no abdominal obstruction. The diagnosis was "acute constipation". The doctor stated that she did not know what had caused the symptoms. I have been straining to void for many months, while the felons talk of inserting objects into my rectum to cause these and other symptoms. On December 24, 2019, I lost control of my bowels on my way home from breakfast. The crazies at Muhlenberg Gardens claimed to be inserting objects into my intestines to prevent them from contracting properly to retain waste. All of their statements indicate abnormal psychology on their part. What cannot be explained are the actual occurrences of symptoms with which they have threatened me. Following threats by the felons to cause a reoccurrence of the paralysis of my arms, and to damage other parts of my body, and statements made by them such as, "You had a PERFECT body! We RUINED it!", "You're not a GAY!" (see information below), "We'll find a WEAKNESS!", "You're not a SCHIZOPHRENIC!", "Those balls are as good as OFF!", and, "You won't be able to get an erection!", as of July, 2020, I cannot raise my arms to shoulder level, and my right arm, which the criminals claim to have "left (their) bodies" to inject with hydrocortisone, has been in almost constant pain for many months. Whenever the felons speak of applying pressure to my arm, the arm hurts! Today, Nov. 29, 2020, the felons spoke of having "mauled (my) arm", and of having "stabbed it so badly that it cannot be repaired!". A Puerto Rican case worker managing my health care asked me if I were having any thoughts that "people want to harm you?". I told her about the robberies and attempts upon my life, and that police reports, medical records, and other evidence exists. The felons here have made numerous attempts to commit me. They are attempting to use a diagnosis of schizophrenia to do so. Note the felons' statements, "We'll find a WEAKNESS!", "You're not a SCHIZOPHRENIC!", "You're not getting adequate medical care!", "Take your medication, FREAK!", "Take your medication!", "He should be cared for in a hospital!", and, "If they give him medication, we can KILL him! We'll get that website!". Note information on this site about my being victimized by the felons with murder attempts and other serious crimes at hospitals. The criminals are in pursuit of resources! If all of this seems "crazy", it is because the warped minds of the criminals doing it all are abnormal! Criminal minds are depraved! See "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", under "about", and other relevant sections. Examinations by doctors and other personnel at hospitals have shown no sign of mental illness. The many attempts to commit me orchestrated by the felons since 1984 have failed! See "SEVERE DAMAGE", under "about", for my having been illegally committed in 1984. I was released in less than one month, severely physically disabled for the next 17 years! My right arm hurts almost constantly. The felons claim to have "left (their) bodies" to damage the arm! They have also spoken of finding a way to make the paralysis of my arms inflicted in 1984 by staff at Christ Hospital to return! As of today, December 25, 2020, my arms are weakened, and I cannot raise them to shoulder level! Schizophrenics do not hallucinate physical pain. Physical pain does not result from mental illness, just as severe physical injuries are never caused by distraction due to hallucinations. A felon in a nearby apartment at Muhlenberg Gardens said, "We're not going to stop causing you pain until you give in to us!". Schizophrenics on psychiatric wards are never physically hurt by distraction from the voices which they hear continuously. Note information on this site about Puerto Ricans and others causing me to be injured by "accidents" resulting from harassment. They made such an attempt at The PATH Terminal, Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ, in front of white Port Authority police. They were attempting to cause me to fall down a steep flight of cement stairs leading to a subway platform, by distracting me. The police threatened them with arrest if I were hurt. See information on this site describing two such falls in The City of New York. In Jersey City, the felons routinely shouted at me from sidewalks to distract me, while I was riding my bicycle in dangerous, fast-moving traffic on Central Avenue! Numerous injuries were inflicted upon me by distraction, many of which left behind scars, and/or medical records for necessary treatment. A Hudson County Sheriff's Officer wrote a police report documenting a hematoma resulting from my being punched in my head by one of the felons in Washington Park, Central Avenue, Jersey City, NJ. The criminals learned that I have abnormally thin blood vessels in my head, and that I have already suffered a small stroke. My health problems put me at risk. The felons wish to inflict a fatal injury, while not having to pay for so doing. They claim that they are not committing crimes, and that I am "hearing voices" and "imagining things"! They have an alibi ready for committing murder! Their lies are disproven by the existence of both witnesses to, and evidence for their crimes. "You'll be the only one hurt, and we'll walk away from it UNTOUCHED!" -a frequent statement made by the homicidal psychos, who are certain that they will find a way to avoid punishment for murder! See "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home", and other relevant sections for detailed information. I have also been unable to obtain a sufficient erection for many months; and I cannot walk without severe difficulty. All of these very real medical problems are not the result of schizophrenia! I have been forced to postpone necessary visits to several doctors' offices for treatment, and I am considering asking my homemaker to help me to obtain a wheelchair for my use, which I cannot afford, and which must be purchased using government insurance. I am once again severely and permanently disabled! I must currently rely upon a walker. Ascribing so many medical conditions to normal aging, or to natural causes, fails to note that so much damage occurring so rapidly, is atypical of any form of aging, or of known natural processes. Virtually all of the problems are unique, and unrelated to each other. They do not constitute a syndrome of symptoms having one cause. As of March 16, 2024, I have obtained a prescription for a wheelchair from my primary care provider. I must use the chair to go to appointments at doctors' offices, relying upon medical transportation to do so. The criminals have turned a near-professional grade athlete into an invalid using a wheelchair! Note their statements, "You had a PERFECT body! We RUINED it!", "We'll RUIN everything we find out about!", and, "We turned you into an OLD MAN!". And old men DIE! I was boxing at Gleason's Boxing Gym in Brooklyn, and the felons told trainers not to train me properly, and to weaken my arms! The criminals also caused a re-occurrence of the paralysis of my arms inflicted by Christ Hospital in 1984 (see "SEVERE DAMAGE", under "about"). I had a very strong sex drive, so the criminals deliberately brainwashed me, and turned me into a gay, intending to use me for sex as a male prostitute at their "Spanish" clubs! I had a beautiful apartment, which the criminals robbed, stealing thousands of dollars worth of items for their own use! And I have recovered from mental illness, while the criminals seek to make me ill again, so that they may commit me! These felons expect you to come to this area, and to spend large amounts of money here as tourists and investors, which always wind up in their hands anyway! See "VILE PUERTO RICAN RACISM AND HATE CRIMES", and "THE MOTIVES FOR THESE CRIMES WITH WHICH I AND OTHERS ARE BEING VICTIMIZED", under "about". Claims being made by the criminals about causing several other very specific types of medical damage, have been unexplainably followed by test results showing such damage. Note that most of my university training is in the sciences, and I am certified as a Teacher of Science in New Jersey, and 8 other states. My training, with a B.A. having three majors, includes education, computer science, geology, botany, chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, and probability theory. See "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", "LOOSE ENDS", "DARK MATTER AND LEAVING YOUR BODY", and "THREATS-HALLUCINATIONS-DAMAGE-TESTS-DIAGNOSES-TREATMENTS", under "about"; and "medications", under "contact", for a balanced treatment of the above issues. I have been documenting details of unusual events as they happen. I am also including proof, in the form of both witnesses and evidence, for the many and varied crimes described on this website, whenever possible. The felons do constant damage. The question of whether or not the criminals can "leave (their) bodies" to commit crimes, is not of crucial importance: the felons have victimized myself and others with numerous serious crimes, committed in conventional ways. For details of these crimes, including accounts of robberies and murder attempts, see "home", "about", "contact", "ABOUT ME", under "home", and relevant items listed under these sections. Witnesses and evidence abound! The criminals are subjecting me to severe stress and trauma, both physical and mental, in their efforts to "bring me down". It is all knowing and deliberate. Note the felons' statements, "We'll RUIN everything we find out about!", "We'll find a WEAKNESS!", "You're not a GAY!", "You're not a SCHIZOPHRENIC!", "We're not going to turn you into an INVOLUTIONAL PSYCHOTIC!" (which would justify my being committed!), "We RUINED your gym for you! Join another one! We'll RUIN that one, too!", "We turned you into an OLD MAN!" (and old men die!), and, "You don't know PUERTO RICANS! You're as good as DEAD!". The criminals' behavior aims partly at causing and worsening both physical and mental problems, resulting in serious medical conditions. Stress, often called, "the silent killer", can result in illness and death. The criminals at Muhlenberg Gardens have researched my medical history, and are telling other felons what they have learned. I am victimized at many different locations by enormous numbers of criminals, who know exactly what they are doing! Their minds are obsessed with me as being yet another white, "non-criminal" victim having conscience. See "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact", and other relevant sections, upon reading this page.****** The felons' efforts to cause a reoccurrence of mental illness, and to inflict other forms of damage, by subjecting me to mental, and to physical stress and trauma, are constant. I am surrounded by them, and there are no controls on their behavior. See "LOOSE ENDS", under "about". "He fought his way back from mental illness, and they're trying to make him SICK again!" -Dr. Braganza, while Director of The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Christ Hospital, Jersey City, NJ, speaking to a colleague about myself, aware that I could hear their conversation. "Now there's a PROBLEM!" -one of two Puerto Ricans on Congress Street, Jersey City, NJ. "This is NOT the way to SOLVE THIS PROBLEM!" -Dr. Braganza, speaking to other Puerto Ricans on Palisade Avenue, outside Christ Hospital. He wanted me heavily tranquilized, and unaware of what was happening, and claimed that I would have "peace". Note information in other sections detailing attempts upon my life. Heavy tranquilization would put me at much greater risk! Dr. Braganza told me that he had been trained when younger by Jesuit priests, who punished him for wrongful behavior. The doctor found work elsewhere, claiming that driving from his home to Christ Hospital and back, put too much of a strain upon his heart. His cardiac problem did not prevent him from traveling to California and back for a yearly vacation, however! You need medication!" "Take your medication, FREAK!" -statements frequently made by abusive, insulting Puerto Ricans, when they aren't busy talking about getting rid of this website! "You're going to be committed, and then we'll get rid of that website!" -assorted Puerto Ricans to myself. Note numerous failed commitment attempts detailed in other sections. For information on efforts to damage this site, see "SERVER BLOCK", under "contact". "You can't commit someone (myself) whose mind is normal, merely because you WANT to! You should KNOW better! You're supposed to be PROFESSIONALS!" -Dr. Emmanuel Hriso, advising staff at The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Christ Hospital, Jersey City, NJ, when he was Director. That center had received copies of all of my letters. Note efforts by Puerto Ricans, and those helping them, to solve their "problem" by further victimization of myself! "We'll find a WEAKNESS!" "You're not a SCHIZOPHRENIC!" "You're not a GAY!" "We're all crazy!" "We'll say that we didn't do it!" (and, to the NYPD): "You can't arrest ALL of us! There are too MANY of us!" -remarks by Puerto Rican criminals. See "ANONYMITY IN NUMBERS - THE PROBLEM WITH MAKING ARRESTS", the last item under "home"; and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last item under "about". If I'm committed, imprisoned, evicted, or murdered, Puerto Ricans, and those helping them, will obtain my apartment and lease, with $15,000 per year in U.S. Government subsidies, for rent and food ($27,500 per year as of January 1, 2018, due to a revaluation), and my furnishings and other belongings, using HUD rules to make it all look legal! These criminals are in pursuit of resources! I see Dr. D'Amato for ten minutes every three months, to obtain a prescription needed for sleep, at half the dosage necessary when treating mental illness. I receive no other psychiatric care. That's 40 minutes of care per year! The doctor has confirmed (March 22, 2017) that my mind is free of illness. "All of my patients want to move into that building!" -Dr. D'Amato to myself. For Puerto Ricans, some of whom are former mental patients, to move into Muhlenberg Gardens, apartments must become vacant. Upon my being committed, I would lose my home to the next person on the waiting list. It would all look legal! As of May, 2020, the value of my apartment in rent and food subsidies from HUD, has increased to $32,300.00 per year, due to a recent revaluation. I overheard Doctor D'Amato expressing his regrets to several of his Puerto Rican co-workers, at The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Christ Hospital, Jersey City, NJ, that committing me would look too suspicious! He had previously called me, and left a message on my cell phone claiming that his other patients were making "disturbing statements" about me, and asked me to return his call! Several Puerto Rican staff members expressed anger that I could not be committed! There are mentally ill residents at Muhlenberg Gardens who go to that center for treatment, and tell staff members lies about me. All of the residents are obsessed with my apartment, my belongings, my resources, and myself! Another white staff member, Kendall Johnson, an L.C.S.W. (a licensed psychiatric social worker), whom his Puerto Rican colleagues had persuaded to join them in their efforts to commit me, remarked about myself, "He should be cared for in a hospital!". His Puerto Rican co-workers at that center had previously asked him, "Are you in on this with us, Kendall?", to which he had replied, "I think I'll take a 'wait-and-see' attitude!". He had also told them, "You turned him into shit!", and had remarked to me, "I wonder if moral values matter anymore?", and, "Puerto Ricans are ordinary people, just like everyone else!". He said that he had vacationed in Puerto Rico. He also questioned me concerning the "accidents" which Puerto Ricans deliberately continued to cause in their efforts to kill me, after I was severely injured, and almost killed, by head trauma, and was hospitalized for treatment of the injury. The staff at that center knew! Kendall Johnson is one of those whites with whom Puerto Ricans can coexist, and whom they can use in their attempts to perpetrate successful crimes! Note the failed attempts at commitment engineered by the criminals, which are described on this website. For details of an illegal commitment which worked, see "SEVERE DAMAGE", under "about". "You can't do whatever you want, just because you're here!" -a white doctor admonishing Puerto Rican staff in the lobby at Christ Hospital. To understand what that doctor was concerned about, see "SEVERE DAMAGE", under "about". Note that statements by Puerto Ricans to police about myself, both in Jersey City, NJ, and New York City, NY, asking them, "Why can't you ARREST him?"; collusion with Jersey City North District police by the felons, both in the Muhlenberg Gardens lobby, and in the Manager's Office at The Joseph T. Connors Senior Center, 28 Paterson Street, Jersey City, NJ, as to what type of crime they could provoke me into committing, for which I would be arrested, charged, and convicted (I was subsequently excluded from that center by the criminals' use of false accusations, at considerable expense to myself; the felons had also prevented my one white friend, Peter, from using that facility, prior to excluding me); their efforts to engineer bogus commitments to mental hospitals; and attempts by Puerto Ricans to provoke myself and other victims into committing criminal responses for which we can be arrested and charged, all indicate efforts by the felons to use the law to falsely imprison their victims. The criminals use their large numbers, job positions, and the law itself to commit and justify serious crimes! When they cannot force decent people to leave this area, they attempt to confine them to prisons or mental institutions! When those two crimes won't work, they conspire to exclude those whom they victimize from specific locations which they have a right to use! Note public businesses and other locations from which the felons have excluded myself and others, including a gym in Bayonne, NJ; 4 gyms and several bars in New York City, NY; and the senior center described above. They attempted to evict me from my apartment. They evicted Peter and similar victims from their apartments. They use other criminal methods on their victims. Note severe injuries resulting from attempts upon my life, and the many life-threatening injuries repeatedly inflicted upon my friend Peter by Puerto Rican thugs, resulting in a $230,000.00 hospital bill! Peter does not have medical insurance! Millions of these criminals are obtaining homes, jobs, and money, using illegal methods to do so, and excluding people who aren't criminals from participation in the economy of this area. They are not only seeking control over enormous amounts of wealth spent here by unsuspecting tourists and investors from other regions within the United States, and from other countries, but they are also attempting to elect candidates favorable to themselves to both local and federal positions of power! All of these actions on their part constitute a criminal takeover! "Now you know what WE'RE all COMPETING for! That's why YOU'RE not getting a JOB!" "We'd do it to ALL of them, if we could get our hands on them!" -Puerto Rican criminals at Hoboken Terminal, Hoboken, NJ, on their way to work in New York City, via PATH. "The whites get all the GOOD jobs!" -a Puerto Rican female speaking to another Puerto Rican, on the street in midtown Manhattan, NYC. See "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home", and other relevant sections. Gay sexual molestation engineered by the criminals at Muhlenberg Gardens and elsewhere, together with their attempts to cause a reoccurrence of both the paralysis of my arms, and another illegal commitment, follow an all too familiar pattern of deliberate crimes based upon previous victimization, which indicates conspiracy. I am forced to listen to sarcastic remarks by Puerto Ricans stating, "You're not a SCHIZOPHRENIC!". My illness has been in remission for years, and the criminals know that. The issue of schizophrenia, and an incident of violence in 1965, are being used to mask the true purpose of this persecution: these people are criminals in pursuit of money, and items worth money. And they also wish to conceal massive criminal activity in this geographical area, from people living everywhere else. They cooperate together to commit crimes, and to conceal them. John is a schizophrenic whom the criminals accept, because he helps them to commit their crimes. He has been in prison, and more recently faced 7 years in prison for severely hurting a man who harassed him. The judge decided to treat his illness on a psychiatric ward instead. I overheard John's aunt telling him on nearby Central Avenue to delete this website from the internet, using one of my computers to do so. He was visiting my apartment often. He robbed money from my wallet, and subsequently stole several DVDs and my Kindle Fire, which is registered to myself, and connects to the internet. The password to my website editor is not on the Kindle. The felons also asked a homemaker to delete this website. For details, see "about". "If they give him medication, we can KILL him! We'll get that website!" -a conspirator in an apartment near my own at Muhlenberg Gardens, speaking to another felon, May 10, 2020. "Now you know that we only get along with certain ones!" (the ones who help them to commit their crimes!) -a Puerto Rican lifeguard at Pershing Field Pool, Jersey City, NJ, to myself. Exacerbation of neurological problems, by criminals deliberately forcing loud verbal responses to harassment, which strain my body, especially my neck, putting pressure upon two damaged nerve roots (see "SEVERE DAMAGE", under "about"), has caused partial paralysis of both arms, intermittent severe pain in my right arm, and difficulty walking due to lower back damage. The felons previously stated their intent to paralyze, and to kill me. My arms are now partially paralyzed. I am unable to raise them above my head. Today, Oct. 27, 2019, two Puerto Rican waitresses at Los Tres Chilitos, a Mexican restaurant on Central Avenue, Jersey City, NJ, near my home, ridiculed my paralysis when I needed their help to put on a hooded jacket, and remarked how easy it would be for Puerto Ricans to murder me on the street, now that I am severely disabled! Note statements previously made by Doris Wessler, Kenneth Wessler's mother, both of whom are presently employed at Muhlenberg Gardens, "We thought this would be EASY! This ISN'T!", and, "Look at the way that man BOXES! We could never bring him down on the street!"; the constant efforts at gyms by Puerto Ricans and others to ruin workouts and training, and to weaken my arms; and other crimes committed by these felons. See the next-to-last paragraph of "U.S. ATTORNEYS", under "home", for severe injuries repeatedly inflicted upon my friend Peter, a former professional fighter. There have been many attempts upon my life, some assailants using weapons, with several attacks resulting in life-threatening injuries. I and others are being subjected to total victimization. These enormous numbers of criminals enjoy cooperating together to commit felonies without conscience or remorse, and to avoid punishment for their crimes. Puerto Ricans deliberately abuse decent white victims, assuming a false air of superiority over them. The Puerto Ricans so doing know that they are low and vile themselves, and not only don't care, but are proud of being so! See "VILE PUERTO RICAN RACISM AND HATE CRIMES", under "about". Last night (Oct. 29, 2019) a man fell at the entrance to Muhlenberg Gardens. Puerto Rican residents and visitors standing nearby, urged him to tell EMTs and police that I had attacked him, and knocked him to the ground! More recently (Apr. 22, 2020) Puerto Ricans in nearby apartments deliberately ran cold water while I was in the shower, making my water excessively hot, and spoke loudly of attempting to scald me! When at home, the harassment from neighboring apartments is constant. There are no reliable witnesses. I am alone, surrounded by the criminals. The felons have made the statement, "Wait until we get you upstairs, in that apartment!". They are knowingly attempting to commit murder. I have been removed from my apartment on stretchers by EMTs twice, close to death, due to "accidents" caused by distraction from the harassment. For information on inflicted eye damage, see "UPON MY BEING MAIMED", under "home"; and "LOOSE ENDS", under "about". I now have blindness in the center of vision of my left eye. Both eyes are affected by the medical condition which causes such damage. My death, when it occurs, will be reported by local authorities aiding the murderers, as being from natural causes, or as "accidental". There has been talk of a "cover up". Circumstances over which I have no control, prevent me from moving to a different geographical area. For details of the attempt upon my life at Muhlenberg Gardens on November 11, 2014, see "MURDER DESIGNED TO LOOK LIKE AN ACCIDENTAL OR DELIBERATE OVERDOSE ON MY PART", under "home". Note the criminals' intent (Aug. 2020) to torture me into insanity with constant harassment and distraction from apartments near my own, and to then force me to kill someone, so that I will be convicted of murder! The felons have been attempting to provoke me into violence for years! Note their statements, "We'll find a WEAKNESS!", "You're not a SCHIZOPHRENIC!", "You murdered your brother!" (see "ABOUT ME", under "home"), "We're not going to turn you into an INVOLUTIONAL PSYCHOTIC!", and to police, "Why can't you ARREST him?". Note information elsewhere on this site about the criminals' collusion with police, asking them what type of crime I could be provoked into committing, so as to guarantee my arrest and conviction. The criminals are both devious and dangerous, and their many crimes described here have been knowingly and deliberately committed. The criminals are not concerned about a human life being taken, as long as that will enable them to obtain what they want! The enormous amount of criminal activity described on this site, complete with witnesses and evidence for most of those crimes, illustrates what millions of these felons are really like on a constant basis! They never cease to think in criminal terms! Criminals free to commit their crimes will continue to do so, and must be taken into custody to prevent them from so doing. A Puerto Rican in Greenwich Village told white cops, "You can't arrest ALL of us! There are too MANY of us!". Despite an abundance of evidence, no legal action has been taken against any of the felons, at all. I MUST NOW REGARD AS ADVERSARIES THOSE IN GOVERNMENT ALLOWING THE DENIAL OF MY RIGHTS. AN ONLINE COMPLAINT, concerning two local hospitals, and several doctors involved, alleging murder attempts, and other crimes, including the protection of criminally insane patients among those fostering the persecution, has been filed with The Board of Medical Examiners of the State of New Jersey, referring board members to this website, and informing them of a worldwide readership for the site, March 19, 2013.* LAW AUTHORIZES the use of power against violators. Laws which are written, but not enforced, have no power as law. THE CRIMINALS here have victimized me for more than 42 years, mistakenly believing that it is safe to do so. There are significant numbers of other victims. PUERTO RICO is an unincorporated territory of the United States, by treaty. The FBI has a headquarters in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Puerto Ricans serve in the Marine Corps, and work at FBI headquarters in Newark, NJ, and elsewhere. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens by law. OBLIGATIONS inherent in the TREATY between the United States of America, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, are being seriously BREACHED, by millions of Puerto Ricans in New York City, and surrounding areas, who routinely conspire to murder, and to victimize in other ways, United States citizens on American soil. This is not only the situation in my case, but more importantly, also occurred in the cases of other victims whom I knew. Information on 12 victims, of either my acquaintance, or my late mother's, can be found on this and in other sections of this website. All are white, 5 being of Italian descent. They were either forced to leave this area, forced to leave high-paying jobs, made homeless, or severely hurt by assailants. Other victims the felons either force, or lure, into criminal activity, so that they may be charged. A lesser number they victimize with false imprisonment through bogus commitment attempts. See the last 2 paragraphs of "U.S. ATTORNEYS", under "home", for details on 2 victims of assaults. Numerous statements made by Puerto Ricans include, "That person is no longer with us!", "If you don't like it, LEAVE!", "You don't know PUERTO RICANS! You're as good as DEAD!", and, at Muhlenberg Gardens, "We want to kill a WHITE man before we die!", "We'll get that apartment, and everything in it!", and, "When WE control the building, we'll just TAKE what we want!". My apartment has been robbed many times by cleaning women, homemakers, and workers making repairs, at considerable expense to myself. Victims whom the criminals force to leave, make homeless, imprison, commit, or murder, leave homes and jobs behind, which the felons obtain for their own use, all of this being financed by decent, unsuspecting tourists and investors visiting this area from everywhere else, and paying the criminals large amounts of money! Judith purchased a property in remote Rockland County, NY, to escape from the "crazies" in The City of New York (see "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact", esp. the * footnote). Eva and Neva left Union City, NJ, and bought a home in suburban Leonia, NJ. One of them told my mother, "We got out just in time!". Hank and Helen, with their daughter Nancy, and her son Robert, abandoned Jersey City, NJ, and moved to a private residence in a Western state. Helen told me that she and Hank had been severely harassed by Puerto Ricans on the street near their home in Jersey City. Joe Simone and Frank Balzano found jobs at other locations. These are decent whites. They were repulsed by the deliberate behavior of the felons. They are only a few of many victims forced to leave this densely populated, crime-infested area. For lists of statements made by the criminals, see "MURDER OR IMPRISONMENT OR THE MOVING MAN", and "STATEMENTS BY CRIMINALS INDICATING A TAKEOVER OF THIS GEOGRAPHICAL AREA", under "home"; and "CERTAIN ONES - DIRECT QUOTES", under "about". Many of those responsible for these crimes are also involved in subversion, as is indicated by their own statements about their loyalty to a "Fearless Leader", and about their "operations" being compromised by my complaints to government. There is ample evidence to support these allegations. This website was included in information supplied to the FBI, and in complaints filed with three U.S. Attorneys having federal jurisdiction in The City of New York, and in The State of New Jersey. PUERTO RICANS in New York City, and neighboring towns, are presently attempting to discredit both myself, and this website, by telling people that I'm schizophrenic, and discouraging them from looking at the site.** The felons are attempting to use this issue as an alibi. They also perceive it as a weakness to be exploited in the commission of their crimes against myself.*** Why would millions of Puerto Ricans, and those joining them, go out of their way for years to publicly attack, and attempt to "bring down", an individual whom they depict as a worthless mental defective? The answer is that there have been, are, and will be many other victims, most of whom are not schizophrenics, and the criminals fear exposure of this fact by myself. I have been mailing letters to U.S. Government officials, and submitting crime tips to the FBI. The FBI finally intervened at the Jersey City Medical Center. See "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about". There is no provision in law allowing the victimization of anyone with serious crimes, especially not with attempted murder. Even those who harm dogs, cats, or other animals, are subject to prosecution under animal cruelty laws. The felons have also stated numerous times, "WE'LL GET THAT WEBSITE!". They wish to suppress the information, and evidence on this website, to prevent it from reaching people elsewhere. As of December, 2016, typographical errors which I have not made, have begun to appear in the text of this website. For other instances of electronic tampering, see "SERVER BLOCK", under "contact". The following highlighted text indicates mistaken judgement on my part, due to all of the threats being made against this website by the criminals: *******NOTE that as of January 6, 2016, the closed captioning feature on my WEBCAMS on YouTube is filled with idiotic nonsense, put there by someone else, and intended to indicate illness on my part. I do not know for how long the nonsense texts have been there. I have reported this crime to the FBI, on their crime tips form available on the internet at See "SERVER BLOCK", under "contact", for more instances of deliberate SABOTAGE! I HAVE MORE RECENTLY LEARNED THAT THE CRAZY TEXTS ARE AUTO-GENERATED ON YOUTUBE'S SYSTEM, BY VOICE-RECOGNITION SOFTWARE WHICH DOESN'T WORK PROPERLY. I HAD ORIGINALLY ASSUMED THE TEXTS TO BE TYPED INTO THE SYSTEM BY EMPLOYEES PAID TO DO SO. MY MISTAKE!******* After stating for several years, "WE'LL GET THAT WEBSITE!", Puerto Ricans, and those helping them, are presently attempting to pressure me into removing this site myself, because they now know that they cannot do so themselves. I noted elsewhere (see "HOW TO SLAY A DRAGON", and "ON COMPLIANCE AND RESISTANCE", under "home"), that criminals often need the cooperation of their victims to make their crimes work. KKR, Nov. 14, 2017. Efforts by the criminals to make me ill, are ongoing. Numerous failed commitment attempts, have made legally required psychiatric exams at hospitals necessary, the results of which always prove negative. These attempts at false imprisonment, intended to appear legitimate, have coincided, over time, with the commission of many other serious crimes by the felons. Statements recently made by them include, "We should have killed him when we had the chance!", and, "Wait until you're old, and in a nursing home! We'll get even!". AT&T, and other major companies, have sponsored this website. The information presented on this site is valid, and is proven both by witnesses and existing evidence. Also note that I attended Rutgers University for eight-and-a-half years, including two of its graduate schools. Admission to graduate schools is highly competitive, and is based upon both previous academic performance, and scores on admission tests such as the GRE and GMAT. These tests are far more advanced than the College Boards. This website has been researched, and written, by someone with demonstrated ability, and competence, to do so. See "my credentials", under "contact". The issue of my sanity is more than adequately covered in "ABOUT ME", under "home"; in "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about"; and in other relevant sections of this site. It was reported by the Associated Press, that in a previous presidential election (Nov. 2012), Barack Obama received 71% of the Hispanic vote. In the New York Metropolitan Area, the Hispanic vote is predominately the Puerto Rican vote. 1010WINS, a New York City-based radio station, reported that The Puerto Rican Day Parade is by far the largest of New York City's many parades. A Puerto Rican on a New York City-based television station addressed the statement, "YOU OWE US!", to the newly re-elected President of the United States, Barack Obama. Two days prior to Barack Obama's re-election, a visitor from "obama headquarters newark" accessed my website page, "OBAMA THE CRIMINAL", as was indicated on a statistical package with which I monitor the site. President Obama's position regarding the status of Puerto Ricans in the United States, is amply demonstrated by his state visit to Puerto Rico, and by his successful nomination of a Puerto Rican to a position on the Supreme Court. "New York isn't a WHITE city anymore!" -a bigot bragging on 1010WINS, a radio station broadcasting from New York City. "You took this city from us, and we're going to take it back!" -a white NYPD police officer, telling off Puerto Ricans at ground zero, Manhattan, NYC. For the criminal nature of their takeover, see this and other sections. In the Presidential election held on November 8, 2016, New York City, and cities and towns in New Jersey where I was also victimized, went to Hillary Clinton, whom those voters expected would continue Barack Obama's policies. Hispanics, including very large numbers of Puerto Ricans, are heavily concentrated in these areas. During the recent protests in New York City against Donald Trump, many demonstrators spoke of asking the Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton, which would be illegal, since Donald Trump won the election by winning a sufficient majority of electoral votes. See "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", under "about". Copies of the 120 pages of information which I mailed to officials in government, including Barack Obama and his predecessor, George W. Bush, were also mailed to the newsroom, and editors, of The New York Times, at its main offices in Manhattan, NYC. The New York Times would not publish the information, backed up with solid evidence, which I supplied to them, but has published a front page article headed, "All Eyes Are On Sotomayor!": Sonia Sotomayor is the Puerto Rican Supreme Court Justice who was born, and raised, in New York City, and whom Barack Obama successfully nominated to The Supreme Court. The incumbent**** Mayor of The City of New York, Michael Bloomberg, has been proposed as a potential candidate for the Presidency of the United States. Michael Bloomberg had the law changed, so as to be able to run for a third term as Mayor of New York City, and spent several hundreds of millions of his own dollars to obtain the votes necessary for re-election. Not only has Mayor Bloomberg publicly stated that he intends to learn to speak Spanish, but he is also affectionately referred to as "Bloombito", a term of endearment and respect, on local Spanish television stations. A recently televised (Dec. 2019) campaign advertisement supporting his bid for election as President of the United States, depicts Michael Bloomberg as a "JOBS CREATOR", "LEADER", and "PROBLEM SOLVER"! As for "JOBS CREATOR": see "THE ECONOMICS", and "ECONOMICS FAVORABLE TO CRIMINALS", under "home". As for "LEADER", and "PROBLEM SOLVER": note statements made by Puerto Rican criminals quoted on this website, "You hurt our 'FEARLESS LEADER', and we're going to get even!", "Now there's a PROBLEM!", and, "This is NOT the way to SOLVE THIS PROBLEM!". This website has been written over 8 years' time. Why does the terminology describing Michael Bloomberg as an ideal candidate in his advertising campaign, exactly match terms and ideas already noted on this site as being common to both Puerto Rican criminals, and other felons helping them, in New York City and surrounding cities and towns? The information was previously published for years on this website prior to the broadcast of Michael Bloomberg's televised ad! These facts, and many others, can be verified! As of Dec. 19, 2019, the terms "JOBS CREATOR", "LEADER", and "PROBLEM SOLVER", have been removed from Michael Bloomberg's televised ad. The remainder of the ad is being broadcast intact. During Michael Bloomberg's tenure as Mayor of The City of New York for 3 successive terms, copies of my letters complaining of criminal victimization in that city were mailed to his office, and to the office of The Police Commissioner of New York City. I also notified The City of New York on its official website, and the NYPD on their website, about the criminal problem posed by the population of New York City, and about the presence of this website on the internet. Members of the NYPD in Manhattan spoke of a "cover-up". Remarks by them included, "I don't care what's happening over there!" (a cop at Ground Zero, Manhattan, NYC, speaking of my being attacked in New Jersey), "They won't hurt him, now that we all know!" (a cop near The Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum, Manhattan, NYC), "He (myself) hurt our police department!" (a cop outside R.H. Macy and Company, Manhattan, NYC), and, "I don't care what Bloomberg wants!" (a cop at the 33rd Street PATH Terminal, Manhattan, NYC). NYPD police harassed me outside the Christopher Street PATH Station, Manhattan, NYC. Puerto Ricans and other residents of New York City harassed me for hours on numerous occasions in front of the NYPD in Manhattan, including police brass outside The Intrepid. One NYPD cop told me at Columbus Circle, "You're a schizophrenic! That's why they're doing that!". What a convenient excuse for homicide! I didn't know that it's legal to repeatedly attempt to murder people, and to victimize them in other ways, because they have had previous medical conditions which are now in remission for years! Wasn't the death penalty abolished in New Jersey and many other states? And for what crime are so many criminals executing me, while government officials aid and abet their felonies? A diagnosis of schizophrenia made in 1965! Aren't there strong laws against criminal conspiracy? And severe penalties for victimization of persons with disabilities? And law enforcement and other officials in New York City, NY, Jersey City, NJ, and Washington, D.C. are blissfully unaware of these facts? Or perhaps they thought that they could conceal the criminal nature of the local population here from people everywhere else, by refusing to deal with the felons responsible! And isn't it insane for that same enormous population of homicidal psychos to attempt to murder someone, and to victimize him in so many other ways, for that many years, at that many different locations? See "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home". See "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact". The office of The Police Commissioner of The City of New York forwarded one of my letters complaining of victimization by felons to the office of the Jersey City Police Chief. The acting Jersey City Police Chief told me at an event held at Muhlenberg Gardens, that he had forwarded my letters to The Hudson County Prosecutor. In point of fact, no action to deal with the victimization was taken by any of these cops or the prosecutor. How could Mayor Michael Bloomberg have been unaware of all of this during 3 terms in office? Or President Barack Obama during 2 terms? Both officials had received numerous copies of my letters complaining of serious criminal victimization, asking them for help, which was not forthcoming. See "CRIMES OF OMISSION", under "about". See "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", "DISCLAIMER UNDER ABOUT", "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", under "about"; and "POLITICS", "CONQUEST", "OBAMA THE CRIMINAL", and "SERVER BLOCK", under "contact". Connect-the-dots: New York City and Hudson County, NJ, are Democratic strongholds; both the mayors and police chiefs of Jersey City, NJ, and New York City, NY, and President Barack Obama received all copies of my letters complaining of serious criminal victimization, asking them for help, which was not forthcoming; President Obama's two terms in office; Barack Obama both campaigning for and endorsing Jeremiah Healy in Healy's campaign bid for re-election as Mayor of Jersey City; Barack Obama's state visit to The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; Judge Sonia Sotomayor, a Puerto Rican born and raised in The City of New York, nominated as a Supreme Court Justice by Barack Obama, and confirmed by a Democratic Senate; Hillary Clinton, favored by New York City voters, campaigning for the Presidency of The United States, as Barack Obama's chosen successor; Mario Cuomo (Democrat), Governor of New York State, claiming that Puerto Ricans, as United States citizens, were not given sufficient hurricane relief by President Donald Trump; statements by Puerto Rican felons at Muhlenberg Gardens as to "what a powerful woman Nancy Pelosi is!", and references by them to The United States Government as being able to do "whatever they want!", such remarks about power being typical of criminals, who use power without the authority to do so (see other sections regarding the felons in New York City and surrounding areas actively seeking political empowerment at the local, state, and federal levels; for information on involvement with this website by The United States Government under President Barack Obama, see "WEBSITE AUDIENCE", under "home"; "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about"; and "OBAMA THE CRIMINAL", and "SERVER BLOCK", under "contact"); House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Democrat-California), Senator Chuck Schumer (Democrat-New York), and other Democrats preparing to impeach President Donald Trump on questionable grounds, after opposing him viciously, together with the establishment media, ever since his campaign in the Republican Primary, Donald Trump being neither a professional politician, nor a part of the political establishment; Senator Schumer circulating a letter in the Senate, which presently has a Republican majority, advocating President Trump's impeachment; shortly after President Trump's election, large crowds demonstrating in Manhattan, New York City, displaying signs reading, "DUMP THE TRUMP!"; some of those demonstrators speaking of petitioning the Electoral College to cast their votes for Hillary Clinton, which would be a clear violation of law, since Donald Trump won a sufficient majority of electoral votes to be elected President; among President Trump's detractors in Washington, D.C., are those having deliberately circulated false rumors that he is mentally ill; and "Bloombito", Michael Bloomberg, former 3-term Mayor of The City of New York, elected to the mayoralty of that city in large part by substantial numbers of Puerto Rican voters, having financed all three of those campaigns with his own money, presently attempting to purchase the Presidency of The United States, by financing his bid for election to that high office, with a large part of his personal fortune! Michael Bloomberg's most recent campaign ad (Feb. 7, 2020) shows him being praised for his work as Mayor of New York City, by then President Barack Obama! Both of these men, during their terms in office, ignored my many letters concerning my being murdered, and asking them for help, which was never forthcoming! While these officials ignored my appeals for help, as did others, more attempts upon my life occurred, some resulting in severe injuries. Other crimes were perpetrated. Has the tarnished Democratic torch now been passed from Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton to Michael Bloomberg? I'm not making this up, folks! See this and other sections documenting the criminal nature of the population of New York City, and adjacent cities and towns: there is a striking similarity between criminals occupying an entire wealthy area known to be a Democratic stronghold, using the law to both commit and justify crimes victimizing myself and others, while government officials protect the felons from prosecution, and aid and abet their felonies, and a Democratic House of Representatives attempting to impeach President Donald Trump on questionable grounds, making it all look legal, because they occupy a majority of the official positions in the House needed to do so! Please read this entire website! The Senate has since acquitted President Trump of all charges, rejecting impeachment. Recent criticism (Aug. 2020) by news media spokesmen, of the Republican National Convention, whose guest speakers emphasized President Donald Trump's very real and substantial accomplishments prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, sought to blame the economic and other results of the pandemic upon Donald Trump! The President's detractors all claim that the Democratic candidates would have handled the crisis much better! That claim is totally suspect, since those same Democratic candidates were not in office to demonstrate their alleged expertise in handling pandemics! Their criticism of the President's actions is based upon hindsight, and without merit! As of Sept. 2020, his opponents have accused President Trump of having known how serious the COVID-19 pandemic was, and of having lied to the American people by concealing that danger. The President stated that he downplayed the very real danger so as not to cause a panic, which would have resulted in far more damage to this country, and to the world. The President's detractors are seizing upon any opportunity to discredit both himself and his actions while in office! The biased, unfair treatment he has received by those using the media to do so, is obvious to everyone! Even the pictures of himself displayed by the media are chosen to be unflattering! Also note that Joe Biden's choice of Kamala Harris as a running mate, is not only because of her accomplishments, but also because she is black, and a woman. The Democrats are using Joe Biden's choice to represent themselves as the party of blacks and females! They are pandering to black and female voters to obtain votes necessary to win the 2020 election! Joe Biden was Barack Obama's Vice President when The White House received my letters complaining about attempted murder and other serious crimes! I also have a dated letter from the FBI's Civil Rights Chief at that time, Ms. Cynthia Deitle, who stated that she was ordered to write to me by the FBI Director, because I had written to President Barack Obama. Ms. Deitle wrote that she could not understand my allegations (???), but that if I desired to do so, I could speak with FBI agents at their Newark headquarters! When I went there, an agent already knew my college grades! Other agents harassed me by passing disparaging remarks in low tones of voice! Similar remarks were passed by a secretary at The Office of The U.S. Attorney for The Federal District of New Jersey! All of these employees are trained to research individuals filing complaints, by using computers to do so, and had obviously read medical records in government computers about my diagnosis and former illness. My experience with government officials is that they wanted to solve an enormous problem by confining a crime victim to a mental institution, which is what the felons at Muhlenberg Gardens and elsewhere in this region wanted also! Federal officials belonging to the Democratic Party were content to allow a progressive criminal occupation of the New York Metropolitan Area to remain in place unhindered, and unknown to others not a part of it, in exchange for support and votes from large numbers of felons! See "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about", and other relevant sections. See below: I made this website an integral part of complaints filed with three U.S. Attorneys. Neither the FBI, nor the U.S. Department of Justice, of which the FBI is a part, would do anything about my complaints while Barack Obama and Joe Biden were in office! The U.S. Department of Justice has recently identified New York City as being one of three cities designated "anarchist jurisdictions", four years into Donald Trump's presidency (see below)! See "WEBSITE AUDIENCE", under "home"; "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about"; and "OBAMA THE CRIMINAL", under "contact", for more information about the U.S. Government's involvement with this site, and the reasons for many years of inaction on their part in not dealing with serious federal crimes proven both by witnesses, and with evidence. I possess dated receipts for materials mailed to officials and agencies of the federal government. My direct experience with elected officials who belong to the Democratic Party, forces me to recognize that party as relying upon the support and votes of large numbers of felons, who are members of a criminal culture in the New York Metropolitan Area, and at a few other locations having sufficient wealth to invite criminal occupation and control. The crimes, witnesses, and evidence described on this website, are not here by pure chance! No conspiracy theory, however much well-stated, could result in so much tangible proof, unless valid! Those in various positions of power decided to conceal all of it by avoiding any court action or publicity, and by taking steps intended to silence myself. What do members of criminal cultures do when empowered to do so? They cooperate with each other to commit crimes in large numbers at various locations in areas which they occupy and control, as described on this website. They attempt to solve all "problems" by committing both misdemeanors and felonies! In Sept. 2020, an honest, high-ranking NYPD official, speaking on a television news broadcast, characterized New York City as having a "criminal culture" in which crimes are not punished! See "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last two items under "about". On Sept. 20, 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice designated New York City, NY; Portland, OR; and Seattle, WA, as "anarchist jurisdictions"! The Office of Management and Budget will now instruct federal agencies to defund those cities. It is not coincidental that those large municipalities are tourist meccas, relying upon tourism and outside investment, and as such are inviting to criminal occupation and control. Both Portland and Seattle are not identified elsewhere on this site. The U.S. Department of Justice cited all three major cities, which are now designated "anarchist jurisdictions", for having allowed rioting, looting, and other crimes to go unchecked and unpunished. Please read this entire website! See "EFFORTS TO ESTABLISH AND LEGITIMIZE A SOCIETY OF CRIMINAL MIND", and "CRIMINAL MIND AND ANARCHY - ADVOCATING THE STATE OF NATURE", under "home". After winning re-election, Democratic President Barack Obama rewarded Puerto Ricans in New York City and surrounding areas for their votes, by nominating Judge Sonia Sotomayor, a Puerto Rican born and raised in The City of New York, to a position on The Supreme Court. A Democratic Senate confirmed the nomination. Barack Obama also advocated raising the minimum wage, and providing universal health care, two actions which would benefit Puerto Ricans, among others. In the first televised debate between President Trump and Joe Biden, Donald Trump rightly maintained the importance of keeping businesses open, with appropriate protective measures in place, intended to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. President Trump noted that Joe Biden wants to close businesses down! The economic and human resources necessary to fight that virus, which includes funding and staffing the development and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, and caring for and treating infected patients at risk, depend upon a viable economy. The pandemic has proven to be unpredictable. A more serious turn for the worse, would require the expenditure of much greater economic and other resources, which would only be available because of a sufficiently vigorous economy (I placed this statement here in October, several weeks prior to the presidential election. As of mid-November, the pandemic has in fact worsened dramatically. As I see it, the only way out now is the development and world-wide distribution of safe and effective vaccines. KKR, Nov. 17, 2020). Without a viable economic recovery, the fight is lost! Where will the money and other resources needed to fight this pandemic come from, in a society experiencing another "Great Depression" due to everything being closed down? Bankrupt businesses do not generate revenue! Only a healthy America can fight off and outlast this pandemic! Closing the economy down is reckless and dangerous! "Shelter in place" long enough, and you will suffer and die in place later, because of dire consequences caused by your foolish delay! Losing a certain number of lives now, however unfortunate, will prevent a far greater number of lives from being lost in the future! If a patient is afflicted by a long-term, potentially fatal illness, does it make sense to take measures which will weaken his body, and compromise his ability to recover? Joe Biden's approach to fighting COVID-19 will weaken this country, and make the effects of the pandemic worse. Many more people will suffer and die needlessly over the long-term, if his policies are implemented! Note in all fairness to President-elect Joe Biden, and many Members of Congress, that they favor keeping the economy healthy by issuing stimulus checks, a strategy which was used successfully by then President Barack Obama during a former economic crisis. The economy is moving towards the employment of more people who work from home on computers, and there is a dramatic increase in purchases of products on line. When in office, Joe Biden also intends to release greater amounts of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for widespread distribution, so that more of the population will be immunized sooner. President Donald Trump has taken steps which will benefit farmers, so as to ensure agricultural production, a necessary component of a healthy society. Obviously, food supplies must be readily available to sustain our population, especially during a prolonged crisis. The failure of President Trump's candidacy for re-election in 2020, in no way mitigates the criminal behavior documented on this website, of Democratic government officials in office prior to Donald Trump's presidency. I am now dismayed by Donald Trump's refusal to concede the election to Joe Biden, when it is obvious that the counting of votes was legitimate, and that Biden has won. An orderly transition of power is needed in the fight against the pandemic. President Donald Trump is placing his own self-interest above that of this country, and possibly of the entire world. I voted for him in both elections. I would not do so again. History will be his judge. KKR, Nov. 17, 2020. On Jan. 6, 2021, a violent mob of Trump supporters stormed the United States Capitol, to disrupt the certifying by Congress of electoral votes confirming Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. The rioters occupied and damaged the Capitol Building, placing members of Congress in extreme danger. Some of the thugs were armed. One of the rioters was shot to death by police in the building. Three others died from "medical emergencies". Earlier today, Trump incited the crowd at a rally, with rhetoric about the election being allegedly "rigged", and he urged them to attack the U.S. Capitol! U.S. Capitol and D.C. Police, U.S. Marshals, FBI agents, and National Guard troops were mobilized to put down the insurrection, and enforced a 6 p.m. curfew in Washington, D.C. President Donald Trump is responsible for having fomented this riot by his followers, and bears full responsibility for the atrocity. KKR, Jan. 6, 2021. A U.S. Capitol Police Officer is dead, his murder is under investigation by federal prosecutors and the FBI, scores of demonstrators who occupied and damaged the Capitol Building are under arrest, and Donald Trump sees nothing wrong with his actions in inciting insurrection! According to an aide, he expressed "delight" when the U.S. Capitol was stormed and occupied by his gang of thugs! He lacks conscience, and is delusional about the 2020 election being "stolen". He uses "crazy" rhetoric upon his followers, and has very high intelligence with which to pursue his criminal agenda. For a long time, Donald Trump deceived myself and many other people. Now he has revealed himself: A refusal to accept responsibility for their own behavior, and an absence of awareness of consequences for their actions, are characteristic of all "criminal" minds. These are typical aspects of the warped mentality of felons victimizing myself, who have repeatedly stated, "Our strength is that WE DON'T CARE!", and, "You'll be the only one hurt, and we'll walk away from it UNTOUCHED!". They have shown determination by stating, "We're not going to stop!" (Trump and his armed militia have continued to plan violent confrontations!), "You're dead!", "We'll say that we didn't do it!" (Donald Trump asserts that he's done nothing wrong regarding his inciting the attack upon the U.S. Capitol!), and, "I'll stop when he's lying in a pool of his own blood!". What I learned about the minds of criminals victimizing myself, is typical of all "criminal" minds! What if Members of Congress had been harmed, taken hostage, or worse yet killed by the rioters? Donald Trump and his associates in conspiracy remain blissfully unconcerned, and are obviously planning more violent confrontations in an effort to retain power! Such preparations are being discussed on social networks by Trump's followers, and have been reported in the news media! A "great man" of the "criminal" mind-type, who has been in office as President of The United States for four years, has attempted to retain power by unleashing a violent mob, intended to prevent the legislative branch of government from fulfilling its duty to uphold The Constitution, by certifying the electoral votes! This is an illegal use of force to retain power! CNN broadcast that Twitter has warned of another such attempt planned by Donald Trump and his followers, scheduled to take place on January 17, 2021. After repeated unsuccessful challenges of election results in courts, and failed efforts to either coerce or intimidate key lawmakers into submission, Trump has resorted to mob rule! See the footnote to "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", the next-to-last item under "about", which describes Adolph Hitler's unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic by force. When the "Munich Putsch", put down by the German government, failed, Hitler was sentenced to prison, subsequently ran for office, and was elected Chancellor. Hitler attempted to seize power by force, spent time in prison for the mistake, and then ran for election! Donald Trump was elected in 2016, and has made the mistake of resorting to mob rule in 2021, in his doomed effort to retain power by employing force! Such similarities are not coincidental, and The Founding Fathers knew it! They divided power into three separate branches of government, and established a system of "checks and balances" between those entities. What Donald Trump and his followers are attempting to do will fail because of that division of power! On the night of Jan. 6, 2021, after the insurrection had been repulsed by government forces loyal to The Constitution, Congress reconvened and certified the electoral votes, confirming President-elect Joe Biden as the next President of The United States. On the afternoon of Jan. 13, 2021, The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump for "incitement of insurrection". A U.S. Congressman has publicly compared the assault on the Capitol by Trump and his followers to "Krystallnacht", "The Night of Broken Glass", which occurred when violent Nazi mobs ransacked and destroyed Jewish homes, hospitals, schools, and 267 synagogues in November of 1938, in Nazi Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland, at the direction of Adolph Hitler. More than 7,000 Jewish owned businesses were ransacked, and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Another U.S. Congressman called Donald Trump's efforts to blame the insurrection on his followers, "a ploy used by dictators all over the world!". Trump's followers themselves are attempting to blame their violence at the U.S. Capitol on "a few extremists who infiltrated the crowd!". They cooperated together to carry out the attack, and now claim innocence when they see consequences for their behavior: more than 170 of them are presently under arrest, on charges ranging from criminal trespass to murder. See "GREAT MEN - THEIR SPEECHES AND IDEOLOGY", under "home". Events which are presently unfolding in Washington, D.C., substantiate the ideas on this website, about criminals using power while lacking the authority to do so. Also witness the 9/11 attacks as another criminal use of force by more maniacs. See "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", the next-to-last item under "about". Is Donald Trump "insane" for inciting that crowd? How about Rudy Giuliani, who told that mob, "Let's have trial by combat!"? Or the thugs themselves, who then attacked the U.S. Capitol at the instigation of both men, damaging property, and endangering, and attempting to terrorize and intimidate Members of Congress, while expressing intent to kidnap and assassinate several of them? In distinct ways, "great men" of the "criminal" mind-type, and those whom they lead, are delusional, deceitful, "crazy", and dangerous. See "ON TERRORISTS AND THERAPISTS", and "TWO DEFINITIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS", under "home"; "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", under "about"; and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact". See "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about"; and "ENEMIES", "WRONG IDEAS", "POLITICS", "OBAMA THE CRIMINAL", and "AN INSANE SOCIETY", under "contact", for information about crimes committed against myself by local and U.S. Government officials, in their persistent attempts to protect a criminal culture progressively occupying the New York Metropolitan Area. I have warned readers about criminal takeovers! The storming of the U.S. Capitol was real, Trump and his violent followers aren't done yet, and talk on social media indicates more demonstrations planned for Washington, D.C., and all 50 state capitols by Donald Trump and his supporters, the demonstrators being advised to arm themselves! The progressive occupation by criminals of areas in and around The City of New York is likewise a reality! If the "rallies" planned for all 50 state capitols and Washington, D.C. are intended as peaceful protests by Trump's followers, why are they being urged to bear arms? Are firearms and other weapons needed to conduct peaceful demonstrations? Considering what Trump and Giuliani's violent mob already did at the U.S. Capitol, these demonstrators are now intent upon armed insurrection against duly elected state and federal officials. They will attempt a takeover of government, with Donald Trump as their "leader"! Many government officials are presently receiving phone calls from extremists making death threats! The home addresses of officials and their families have been made public on the internet! This is really happening, folks! I'm not making this up! Pay close attention to the media coverage of events during the next 7 days! President Donald Trump and his followers intend to disrupt and possibly prevent the orderly transition of power to Joe Biden, using arms to do so! CNN has reported that preparations for the inauguration on Jan. 20, 2021, include the deployment of 20,000 armed National Guard troops in Washington, D.C. KKR, Jan. 13, 2021. See "THE IDENTITY OF FEARLESS LEADER", under "home", for facts about the felon leading millions of criminals in this geographical area, who intend to occupy and control New York City, which is this country's financial capitol, and cities and towns around it, by forcing everyone else to leave, and further victimizing those who stay. All of these criminal cultures have "leaders"! Attempted takeovers, often successful, are typical of them and their followers! At a recent press conference (Jan. 2017), Mayor de Blasio depicted New York City as a multi-cultural city where everyone's rights are respected! What about my rights, and the rights of enormous numbers of other victims, Mr. Mayor? Are you all attempting to hide serious crimes from the rest of this country, and from the entire world? There are reliable witnesses, and solid evidence! I have been denied the right to file complaints by local authorities, complaints filed with 2 District Attorneys and 3 U.S. Attorneys were never acted upon, there are no police reports for numerous felonies, no arrests or court actions, total silence in the media, and repeated efforts by the felons to either force or coerce me into signing "voluntary" admission forms to psychiatric wards! All of these criminals want their crimes hidden, and my voice silenced! See "THE STATISTICS", under "home"; "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about"; "CONQUEST", and "FUNCTIONAL CRIMINAL INSANITY", under "contact"; and other relevant sections. Decent people having conscience should not vacation, do business, or invest in areas known to have predominant criminal populations; they should not hire criminals, or do business with companies known to hire criminals; and they should not vote for candidates with known histories of reliance upon millions of criminal voters to attain high political office, both federal and otherwise! Candidates elected to office by felons, will act on behalf of those felons out of self-interest! I do not see myself as a schizophrenic, but rather as an individual who fought his way back from mental illness caused by a very unfortunate, dysfunctional family situation. My exposure to being victimized by so many criminals, indicates widespread victimization of others on their part. I and my late mother knew a significant number of victims who are identified on this site. This situation involves millions of criminals raised to enjoy being felons, and to cooperate together without remorse to victimize those having conscience, in a collective pursuit of territory, wealth, and political and other forms of power. They are concealing their clandestine operations from unsuspecting decent people living at other locations, who both contribute to, and enable the success of the felons' criminal takeover, by visiting this region, and supplying the felons with large amounts of money! These criminals pose a serious threat to this country! They are a real and present danger! Please read this entire site prior to judging the materials on it! GEORGE W. BUSH, BARACK OBAMA, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, AND OFFICIALS OF NUMEROUS GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, HAD A SERIOUS PROBLEM TO CONFRONT, DOCUMENTED BY THE INFORMATION AND EVIDENCE WHICH I SUPPLIED TO THEM: A PROBLEM WHICH THEY DID NOT WISH TO ACKNOWLEDGE, ALTHOUGH THEY WERE REQUIRED BY LAW TO DO SO. THAT PROBLEM WILL REMAIN, AND GET WORSE, UNTIL DEALT WITH, NO MATTER HOW MANY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS SEEK TO AVOID FACING IT, BY REFUSING TO DO ANYTHING AT ALL! ENORMOUS NUMBERS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE BEING VICTIMIZED, NOT MERELY MYSELF! THREE U.S. ATTORNEYS HAVE NEVER HEARD OF EVIDENCE, ARE UNABLE TO RECOGNIZE IT AS SUCH, AND ARE ALSO ILLITERATE, AND UNABLE TO READ FILED COMPLAINTS? FEDERAL ATTORNEYS WHO CAN'T READ? OR IS THE REAL ISSUE WHAT ONE CITIZEN SUCH AS MYSELF CAN DO ABOUT THE BEHAVIOR OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, AND OF MILLIONS OF CRIMINALS WHOM THE CONGRESS, AND SEVERAL U.S. PRESIDENTS, HAVE INVITED INTO THE VAULTS AT FORT KNOX, AFTER SENDING THE GUARDS OUT FOR COFFEE AND DONUTS, ON AN EXTENDED BREAK? I HAVE NOT YET MAILED INFORMATION TO PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, WHO MAY BE UNAWARE OF THIS SITUATION. I HAVE DECIDED TO DEAL WITH THE MILLIONS OF FELONS OCCUPYING POSITIONS OF POWER IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, AMERICA'S FINANCIAL CAPITOL, AND CITIES AND TOWNS AROUND IT, INCLUDING THOSE NEARBY IN NEW JERSEY, ALL OF WHOSE CRIMINAL POPULATIONS DEPEND UPON MONEY SPENT BY TOURISTS AND INVESTORS VISITING NEW YORK CITY, BY URGING BILLIONS OF DECENT PEOPLE WHO USE THE INTERNET, TO ABSTAIN FROM FUNDING A DANGEROUS CRIMINAL TAKEOVER! CRIMINALS USE WHATEVER RESOURCES AND POWER THEY OBTAIN, TO FURTHER VICTIMIZE OTHERS. I DO NOT WANT THEM IN COLLECTIVE CONTROL OF A SIGNIFICANT PART OF THIS COUNTRY'S TERRITORY, ECONOMY, AND POLITICAL POWER! KKR, SEPT. 21, 2020. "Now you know what WE'RE all COMPETING for! That's why YOU'RE not getting a JOB!" -a Puerto Rican felon speaking to myself at Hoboken Terminal, Hoboken, NJ, on his way to work in New York City, via PATH. "...THAT WHENEVER GOVERNMENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE OF THESE ENDS, IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR ABOLISH IT." -THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Do you wish to vote for politicians helping millions of Puerto Ricans, and other criminals, to violate most of a United States citizen's rights, while attempting to silence him? And in so doing, violating the oaths they swore, to uphold the Constitution? What happened to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for every citizen? They were replaced by attempted murder, false arrest, false imprisonment, and total persecution with other serious crimes, for more than 42 years of my life, which I am not going to get back. While the criminals responsible, and those in government helping them, cover themselves, by attempting to either discredit or silence their victim, while making it all look legal! At Muhlenberg Gardens, the government pays the felons' rents, salaries, and costs for maintenance and renovation of the building. With your tax dollars! While the felons continue going after everything I have, including my ass, attempting to turn me into a male prostitute, for their henchmen's personal use at "Spanish" clubs! In other sections of this website, I have detailed criminal sexual victimization by the felons. I was frequenting a gay men's club with buddy booths, at Vishara Video in Manhattan, NYC. At some point, the felons became worried about consequences for molesting me. They were victimizing a person with a disability, whom they had brainwashed to be able to do so! The gay males at Vishara Video avoided having sex with me. At numerous locations, Puerto Ricans stated, "You're not a gay!". They brought a Puerto Rican female prostitute into the men's club at Vishara Video. She knew who I was, and approached me to give me oral sex. I did not have sex with the prostitute. The criminals were attempting to undo the gay sexual orientation which they had forced upon me through constant victimization, both verbal and physical, for years! Puerto Rican residents at Muhlenberg Gardens knew about events at Vishara. The criminals are sharing information among themselves, and are planning crimes together. They cooperate to do so in enormous numbers. All of it is knowing and deliberate. The crimes detailed on this website, proven both by witnesses, and with evidence, could not have happened otherwise! Recent efforts at intimidation by the criminals (Oct. 2019) include threats of robbery, rape, and murder. The felons have attempted to carry out threats of murder and other crimes many times. They have also stated, "All that we want is that website, and then we'll stop!" (their harassment and other crimes!), "If you'll get rid of that website, we'll be 'eternally grateful'!" (???), "We'll stop shoving things up your ass, as soon as you give in to us!", and, "Tell your doctor that we're putting things into your ass!". Other statements by the criminals include, "Those balls are as good as OFF!", and, as of Nov. 26, 2019, on Central Avenue, in Jersey City, NJ, the repeated assertion, "You won't be able to get an erection!". The criminals are victimizing me constantly by forcing me to hear such statements! They cooperate together in large numbers to do so! See "MANEUVERS", "FORCE and FINESSE", and "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", under "about. See "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home". See "ANONYMITY IN NUMBERS - THE PROBLEM WITH MAKING ARRESTS", under "home". "If anyone's rights can be denied, everyone's rights can be denied!" -President John F. Kennedy *see "WEBSITE AUDIENCE", under "home", for information on visitors to this site. **on May 5, 2014, a female tour guide repeatedly told a large group of white tourists, in Christopher Park, Greenwich Village, NYC, that I was schizophrenic. I was sitting in the park, wasn't saying anything to anyone, and both the guide and tourists were total strangers. I finally said to the tourists, "They said they'd do it to ALL of you, if they got the chance!". Among the statements which had been made by Puerto Ricans at Hoboken Terminal, Hoboken, NJ, going to their jobs in New York City, via PATH, were, "We'd do it to ALL of them, if we could get our hands on them!", and, "Now you know what WE'RE all COMPETING for! That's why YOU'RE not getting a JOB!". This situation involves racism, criminality, and territorial, economic, and political conquest. As I looked quietly at a concert listing outside Carnegie Hall, on 57th Street in Manhattan, a Puerto Rican female began harassing me, and threatened to disrupt any concert which I might attend. A white male standing nearby told her, "And we'll have you arrested!". He further stated, "You ruined this city for us, and we have to live here, too! We have money and power, and we'll get even with all of you for this!". A man handling rowboats at a lake in Central Park had complained to me, earlier on that same day, "We're Russians, and we have to live here, too! This ruins this city for us!". On a 49th Street subway platform in Manhattan, months later, a white male told Puerto Ricans harassing me, "I'm going to tell everyone I know not to give you jobs!". FBI agents who intervened at the Jersey City Medical Center's Emergency Room, ordered half of the Puerto Ricans there outside the building, under preventive detention, when they refused to stop harassing me. See "MY INSANITY DISPROVEN", under "about". Puerto Ricans ordered to stop harassing me by the NYPD in Greenwich Village, arrogantly said, "You can't arrest ALL of us! There are too MANY of us!". An officer replied, "No, but we can put it in the newspapers!". Port Authority police at The PATH Terminal at Journal Square, Jersey City, NJ, told Puerto Ricans harassing me, that if I were hurt or killed due to an "accident" caused by distraction from the harassment, they would arrest and charge those doing so with the crime. That includes assault, and felony murder charges. A Port Authority police officer in a cafeteria at The PATH Terminal in Jersey City, said to a Puerto Rican, "We weren't ordered to protect him (myself), we were ordered to stop anyone trying to kill him!". One of two Port Authority cops having breakfast in Rumba's Cafe, on Central Avenue, Jersey City, NJ, had previously said to me, "We've been ordered to protect you!". The cafe is frequented by Puerto Ricans. A white NYPD police officer said to Puerto Ricans harassing me at The 33rd Street PATH Terminal in Manhattan, NYC, "We know that you fired shots at his head!". A Hudson County Sheriff's Officer, responding to a call from Puerto Ricans who had harassed me at Washington Park, a county park on Central Avenue, Jersey City, told them that he would not arrest me for them because, "...everyone knows he's being victimized by ALL of you!". A Jersey City Councilman, who is also a Jersey City cop, said to Muhlenberg Gardens residents, while giving them free ice cream, "I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a murderer!", after shaking my hand, and patting me on my back. On May 19, 2020, as I sat alone on a bench on Central Avenue, a Puerto Rican female sat down next to me, and threatened to call 911 because "you're not behaving properly!". I was sitting quietly, and got up and walked across Central Avenue to another bench. Puerto Ricans and others helping them take turns harassing me, and attempt to use police and EMTs to have me arrested or committed, making their crimes appear legal, in an all too familiar pattern of persistent and deliberate victimization. "Why can't you ARREST him?" -Puerto Ricans to police in Jersey City, NJ, and New York City, NY, referring to myself. "He has to be ARRESTED in his apartment!" -a Puerto Rican resident in the lobby at Muhlenberg Gardens, speaking about myself to other Puerto Ricans. There are people who will not put up with an innocent man being victimized, merely because he is white, but only recently, when such victimization is seen as "ruining this city for us!": For more than 42 years, despite recent full public disclosure on the internet, no action to help me has been taken by anyone to whom I have previously complained. At all. And I was attacked publicly for years in full view of enormous numbers of witnesses, most of them being local residents, whose inaction aided and abetted the crimes. Some NYPD cops went so far as to advise the felons not to do certain things, because they might result in arrest. Other cops openly harassed me, and spoke of my having hurt the NYPD. There was talk of a "cover up". Puerto Ricans harassed an innocent white man on a PATH train, who then argued with them. I was sitting in the same subway car. When the train pulled into Hoboken Terminal, a police officer entered the car and questioned the man. The Puerto Ricans had called the police, and wanted their innocent white victim arrested! The criminals are victimizing large numbers of innocent people having conscience. I have advised others to stay within the law, as I have done, when dealing with these felons. I have also advised tourists and investors, not to feed these criminals money! Elsewhere on this website, I have called New York City, "THE BIG (ROTTEN!) APPLE". I hold a similar view of neighboring cities and towns, including those nearby in New Jersey. Thinly disguised ridicule on broadcast media, of certain of my statements, cannot undo responsibility for crimes proven both by witnesses, and with substantial amounts of evidence. See "GYMS AND TOURIST DOLLARS", under "home". Despite numerous verbal statements made by law enforcement officials and others, as of May 19, 2020, no arrests have been made, and no actions taken, while the criminal activity continues, unabated. Three years ago, on June 4, 2017, my Kindle Fire, which connects to the internet, was stolen from my apartment. Access to my website editor was not on the Kindle. See "SERVER BLOCK", under "contact". The many and varied crimes documented by witnesses and using evidence detailed on this site, happened as described: the felons here have victimized me for more than 42 years. "THE STATISTICS", under "home", provides scientific proof of the criminal nature of most of the inhabitants of this geographical area. ***see "WRONG IDEAS", under "contact". ****Michael Bloomberg is presently no longer in office as Mayor of The City of New York. Footnote added February 4, 2014. The following sections cover various aspects of this complex situation: See "ABOUT ME", under "home". See "ON BEING A SNITCH", under "home". See "STATEMENTS BY CRIMINALS INDICATING A TAKEOVER OF THIS GEOGRAPHICAL AREA", "THE SIMPLE DYNAMICS OF THIS TAKEOVER", and "ANONYMITY IN NUMBERS - THE PROBLEM WITH MAKING ARRESTS", the last 3 items under "home". See "about" and "contact"; "A WARNING", "THE ECONOMICS", "THE STATISTICS", "RACIST NEW YORK", "ECONOMICS FAVORABLE TO CRIMINALS", and "STAR-SPANGLED MURDER", under "home"; and "ON POWER AND AUTHORITY", and "CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL CULTURES - THE TACTICS OF DECEIT", the last 2 items under "about". See "OBAMA THE CRIMINAL", under "contact"; "CRIMES OF OMISSION", under "about"; and "TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES", under "home". See "WHY THE CRIMINALS REVEALED THEMSELVES TO ME", under "home"; and "THE MOTIVES FOR THESE CRIMES WITH WHICH I AND OTHERS ARE BEING VICTIMIZED", under "about". See "SATURATION IN NUMBERS", and "ON THE SAME CRIMINAL METHODS BEING USED BY PUERTO RICANS AND THOSE HELPING THEM AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS", under "home". See "GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS OF A GROUP CRIMINAL OCCUPATION", and "TERRITORY OCCUPIED DE FACTO: AN UNOFFICIAL GROUP CRIMINAL TAKEOVER", under "about". See "CRIMINAL MIND AND ANARCHY - ADVOCATING THE STATE OF NATURE", under "home". See "SATISFACTION FROM MURDER", and "SPILLING BLOOD WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES", under "home"; and "MURDER AND MADNESS", under "about". See "METHODS OF RACISM", and "ON COMPLIANCE AND RESISTANCE", under "home"; and "THE PROBLEM IN A NUTSHELL", and "THE SOLUTION IN A NUTSHELL", under "about". See ABSOLUTION OF GUILT - THE NEGATION OF CONSCIENCE THROUGH SELECTIVE VICTIMIZATION", under "about". See "TWO DEFINITIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS", and "ON PADDED CELLS AND PRISON CELLS", under "home". See "MY MURDER AS IMMINENT", and "UPON MY BEING MAIMED", under "home"; and "LOOSE ENDS", under "about". See "MURDER OR IMPRISONMENT OR THE MOVING MAN", and "STATEMENTS BY CRIMINALS INDICATING A TAKEOVER OF THIS GEOGRAPHICAL AREA", under "home"; and "CERTAIN ONES - DIRECT QUOTES", under "about", for lists of actual statements made by the criminals. See "SANITY - HONESTY - WELTANSCHAUUNG", under "home": "AND IF I'M THE ONLY VICTIM, HOW ARE MILLIONS OF THESE FELONS SO EXPERT AT EMPLOYING ALL OF THESE CRIMINAL METHODS?". See "FIGHTING CRIMINAL MIND", "HOW TO SLAY A DRAGON", "PUTTING THEM IN PRISON", "ON MEDIEVAL SEIGES AND ECOSYSTEMS", and "ECONOMICS FAVORABLE TO CRIMINALS", under "home", for effective tactics. See "THE IDENTITY OF FEARLESS LEADER", under "home", for information on criminals being recruited as subversives. See "ON TERRORISTS AND THERAPISTS", under "home", for information on criminal takeovers. See "ON SANITY AND CIVILIZATION: Why the easy way out fails", and "WHY CRIMINALS ARE HUNTER-GATHERERS", under "home". See "BIZARRE CRIMINAL THOUGHT", "LOOSE ENDS", "DARK MATTER AND LEAVING YOUR BODY", "THREATS-HALLUCINATIONS-DAMAGE-TESTS-DIAGNOSES-TREATMENTS", under "about"; and "medications", under "contact". See "SECTIONS OF LASTING VALUE", under "home", for pages with observations having universal validity.